Wish.com is a fraud platform. Not recommended to use. They will not give merchants customer service authority to help buyers solve the problem, they will only refund, or even often find the seller, not to go with the seller to solve the buyer's problem. They are a fraudulent subsidiary, not only deceiving the seller, and even deceiving the buyer. I hope not to use such fraud Ping Stage. If you want to buy a product, go to Amazon, AliExpress, or eBay, because the quality sellers are on these platforms. The Wish platform has driven away these high-quality sellers, because their policies have been changed and a lot of fines have been imposed on the sellers, so there will be sellers cheating buyers, because their costs are too high, and high unit price products have a lot of refunds. Haha, I hope Wish will go bankrupt next year.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend