I was really hoping this was the product to lower my cholesterol LDL level I've noticed as a problem in my blood tests the past several years. Before I was able to do a blood test on the results, I had a serious symptom emerge causing a bit of alarm.
Since I began taking the product three weeks ago, I've watched my urine starting to have tiny bubbles to full blown foaminess. I've been feeling fatigue as well. I keep tabs on my urine since I had a kidney stone procedure back in 2014. I haven't been taking anything different other than the VitaPulse. So it's the first suspect.
I have to discontinue and test to make sure it's the product and not a symptom of kidney disease. I suspect the ingredient in VitaPulse is causing protein to build up in my urine to abnormal levels.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend