Vital Reds

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Vital Reds by Gundry MD

Overall Rating


1352 Customer Reviews

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Vital Reds by Gundry MD features a blend of more than 50 ingredients that are intended to conveniently support overall health. Opting for a well-balanced diet or other comprehensive supplements may be more cost-effective, however.


  • Research for many of the ingredients is in-line with claims made by Gundry MD
  • An extremely convenient method of consuming a complex blend of ingredients


  • Pricey, even when compared to other similar products
  • Many ingredients can be obtained from a well-balanced diet

Customer Reviews

4.3 Stars out of 1352 Reviews
5 Star:63% 4 Star:23% 3 Star:3% 2 Star:1% 1 Star:7%
89% Recommend This Product
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Posted on Jan 5, 2017

I feel good

By Patricia G. Erickson, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Verified Reviewer

First let me start by telling you that I have been diagnosed with moderately severe Rheumatoid Arthritis (R.A.), first noted in 2006. I am taking the various meds associated with treatment, including Methotrexate, Plaquinel, Folic Acid, Prednisone (low dose), and Infusions every 6 weeks (most recent Simponi Aria). These keep me mobile since I work 4 days a week, long hours. I have periods where I feel exhausted, and then I feel a little better.

Since I have been taking this formula, Vital Reds, I have been feeling better. I hesitated to say this until I had been on it for about three weeks, but I do. I can only describe it as a feeling of well-being. I have energy, I think more, and I do not get exhausted as I did before. I just feel good.

I do still have Rheumatoid Arthritis, of course, I don't expect miracles. But I do appreciate feeling better and will continue to drink the Vital Reds.

I appreciate all their work and would recommend this to everyone. By the way, I am 75 years old.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 10 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 5, 2017

Gundry MD Vidal Reds

By Jerry Doss, Lakeland, FL, Verified Reviewer

I first started Vidal Reds about six months ago. In January I started trying to lose weight, and at first, when the weight started coming off I had a burst of energy, which abated after about a month. So I started looking for something the gets me that energy back because I hadn't reached my goal weight.

That's when I was introduced to Gundry MD Vital Reds. With the cash back guaranty, I felt pretty safe in giving it a try. I was surprised to get it in just a couple of days and was eager to give it a taste test and to see if it has helped me in getting that energy back.

One of the reviews I read said that the results would come in about a month, but it only took two and a half weeks for me to see a change. I notice at first it wasn't as easy to talk myself out of doing stuff anymore, and that energy level had returned.

The change in my digestion system was the added bonus that I discovered about a week earlier. I started mixing it in bottled water and Vital Reds was quickly becoming my go to drink in the refrigerator, and I was pushing the one scoop a day to the high limits because I was trying to make it last all day. When you shake it up in a bottle of water it foams up some, and my daughter thought that it was funny that I had my head tipped back with my tongue out trying to get out every drop. It has a berry taste that was not bad. It was odd at first, but not for very long and as a dietary supplement for energy during weight loss, well, its got my vote.

Also, Dr. Gundry's turkey carving instructions came in pretty handy at Thanksgiving. I enjoy all the tips that he has to offer, and I'm looking at some of the other products as well. Thanks Dr. Gundry, you've developed something here that I won't have a problem sticking to.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 8 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

Wanting to Believe

By Marie McKim, Portland, Oregon, Verified Reviewer

I stumbled upon a video and was immediately taken with Dr. Gundry's demeanor that I couldn't help but believe in him.

I have tried all sorts of products over the years and, needless to say, I wanted to believe in the claims of healthy supplements and weight loss. Sadly, I was always left feeling let down because their promises and claims never panned out. It was always clear that, while their formulas may work for some, I was not one of the ones for whom it would prove true.

Money is also always a decider for me, as I am not wealthy and there was never any offer of helping someone who did not have a lot of extra funds to give away. Dr. Gundry's representative understood me and my needs and was willing to allow me to sign up and spread the payments over three months, which allows me to afford to participate.

I received my first order of three canisters of Vital Reds and started taking them straight away (I still have some of the super beets and other green formulas in my cupboard). I did not feel any big change at first, but then after a few weeks, Dr. Gundry emailed me and mentioned that it was important to follow up with a full glass of water, and that is when I really noticed an enormous difference in the way I feel.

Then came the suggestion that I add a slice of lemon and use hot water and wow, I really love the drink, every morning, and it has taken the place of coffee and teas.

I started following the good Doctor's different suggestions of foods to avoid and it has really changed my life for the good. Then I noticed that my belly had gone down and although I don't know how much weight I have lost, but since I look and feel so much better, it is impossible not to notice. The dark circles under my eyes have become lighter and I stand tall and straight like I did when I was young.

I knew I was onto something when I actually sat through the entire video, something I never do, and felt a deep sense of trust in Dr. Gundry. I was a skeptic, but I wanted to believe and now I do. His research and formula have proven that medicine can be a good thing, something that over the years I have doubted. I have my daughter following the same food program and although she is much younger, she feels the effects as well.

I can't say enough good things about the Vital Reds and want to try the other formulas but alas, as I am one of those widows that lives on very little a month, and therefore I must stay with the program I have set up. I am half way through my second container of Vital Reds and can't imagine ever going without it again. Thank you for giving this almost 67-year-old a new lease on life.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 11 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

Best supplement ever!

By Sarah , Pacific Palisades, CA , Verified Reviewer

Vital Reds is the best nutritional supplement I have taken. I can see an improvement in my immune system in one month. I was surprised that it even had a positive effect on my monthly cycle.

My entire family got sick with a cold. Usually, I would be first to get sick, but this time I was the only one on Vital Reds and avoided it!

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 8 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

Yes, we felt better within days

By Terry Murphy, Moses Lake, WA , Verified Reviewer

Vital Reds is a wonderful product, it provides energy and vitality. We will soon have our lipids rechecked to see if there is a difference there as well.

I would certainly recommend this product. My husband and I plan to stay with it forever!

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

Very good product

By Beauchemin Gabriel, Ottawa, Canada, Verified Reviewer

I noticed an increase in my energy, especially in the morning.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

Tastes great!

By Aleta Bennett, Jacksonville, FL, Verified Reviewer

I have tried similar products but Vital Reds taste the best which is important because one is less likely to be consistent if one doesn't like the taste.

I can tell when I forget to drink it in the morning, I'm not as energetic throughout the day.

When I leave the bread alone which is hard for me to do, I loose weight without really trying.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 8 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

Vital reds

By Richard Pagnacco, Western Australia, Verified Reviewer

I have to admit, I have not turned into a superhuman after one dose (which of course is what I was hoping to do).

To start at the top, It tastes pretty good considering everything that is in it. I was pleasantly surprised.

It's really easy to use and hassle free, which in my opinion counts for a lot, as I can be really lazy.

I have taken 18 doses to date, and the most vivid result that I have noticed are far less depressed feelings.

My mind is starting to feel like doing things again. Even if I don't do them, it's the thought that counts. Realistically, 20 situps aren't going to get me ripped, but mentally I feel like I could do 200.

I have not noticed any weight loss as such, but in all fairness, I am not overweight, just vain as to the little rolls on my sides, so without actually going and doing exercise, I can't expect that to change yet.

Bowel movement is top notch, but I do seem to compete with the local winds lately.

That is about all I can report so far, as I have never bothered enough about my body to see any differences.

To sum it up, I definitely am feeling far better and more positive, and I look forward to seeing how I feel after the 3 months, as I am a real hard case when it comes to punishing my system.

If Vital Reds works for me, it will probably be capable of raising the dead!

I have already started to recommend Vital Reds to people, and I usually don't bother to do that, so I would say that so far, it's a really good product, and I am hoping after another month, I will be reviewing it as 5 stars.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 14 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

i could tell from the drinking the first scoop of Vital Reds that my body appreciated the ingredients.

By Carlene Griscom, San Angelo, TX, Verified Reviewer

Thank you so much Dr. Gundry for creating Vital Reds. I am 81 years old and a retired nutritional consultant. I have been eating organic as much as possible and make 95% of my meals at home from scratch. I take nutritional supplements and because of my long experience with taking supplements I am able to tell immediately when I take some new nutritional product whether it is beneficial. I know it is difficult to purchase, prepare and eat all the ingredients that you have formulated into Vital Reds and please know your efforts are greatly appreciated by me.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 9 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

Feeling better, no need for an iron infusion

By Georgia Salazar Martinez, Medanales, New Mexico, Verified Reviewer

I was always feeling very tired, but now I have more energy all day long. I am a person who is always low on iron when blood tests are taken, and I have had to get an iron infusion 2-3 times a year. On my last test, my iron level was much better this time, and I didn't need an iron infusion.

The thing is, I have only been taking the Vital Reds for just under a month.

Thank you.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 5 People Have Voted

Posted on Jan 4, 2017

Stopped taking other supplements. Wake up feeling refreshed.

By Arlene Mar, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Verified Reviewer

After about two weeks on Vital Reds I've noticed a big difference in my stomach not feeling bloated all the time. My energy level is pretty much steady throughout the day. I definitely feel rested in the morning, and I don't actually ever remember feeling that way even with a lot of sleep.

I've had no cravings either. Both my husband and I are taking Vital Reds. Our moods seem calm but very alert. Overall I believe there's a good sense of well-being.

It's only been a short time since we started using the product but we both feel less stressed and not achy or tired. If I continue feeling this way in the next few weeks I'd have to say it's because of the Vital Reds. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Good feeling so far!

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 2 People Have Voted
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