Vital Reds

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Vital Reds by Gundry MD

Overall Rating


1352 Customer Reviews

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Vital Reds by Gundry MD features a blend of more than 50 ingredients that are intended to conveniently support overall health. Opting for a well-balanced diet or other comprehensive supplements may be more cost-effective, however.


  • Research for many of the ingredients is in-line with claims made by Gundry MD
  • An extremely convenient method of consuming a complex blend of ingredients


  • Pricey, even when compared to other similar products
  • Many ingredients can be obtained from a well-balanced diet

Customer Reviews

4.3 Stars out of 1352 Reviews
5 Star:63% 4 Star:23% 3 Star:3% 2 Star:1% 1 Star:7%
89% Recommend This Product
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Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Vital Reds working for us

By Barbara G. Sittaro, Inverness, IL, Verified Reviewer

My husband and I have been using Vital Reds for a couple of weeks now. My husband has Type 2 diabetes and has been having lower blood sugar numbers. We both have lost a couple of pounds and feel more energetic. We are in our late seventies.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

Feeling better

By Steven Cohen, Ramona, CA, Verified Reviewer

I have many things going on with my health, so I figured I will give this a try. "Wow" is how I'm feeling. It has helped me in so many ways. My son was so impressed with how much it was helping me that he ordered it and is now using it too. I also have other friends who said they are interested in trying, The pains have calmed down, and the energy is much better. All I know is I'm feeling better, and that's a good thing! Thank you doctor!

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

Improved stamina

By Veronica Church, South Bend, IN, Verified Reviewer

For the last couple of years, I have been suffering from back and hip pain that really limited my ability to do my normal activities. I had a hip replacement this spring which has relieved my pain nearly 100 percent. But I still didn't have much energy or stamina. I've been taking Vital Reds for about a month and a half. I am feeling so much like my old self. I can tackle chores that have been very difficult to do. I even can keep going for long periods of time. I don't feel so "old" and incapable of managing on my own. Being 72 doesn't seem such an advanced age.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 2 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

Vital Reds

By Dale Ellard, Washington, Verified Reviewer

Vital Reds has definately helped. Both my husband and I use it along with Primal Plants. I have not been able to lose weight for several years, and in just two months, I have lost 13 lbs. Excited about the diet and the products.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

Energized by Reds

By Debbie OConnor, Philadelphia, PA, Verified Reviewer

The Vital Reds gave me more energy. It's a boost that I had lost with just eating regular food. Now, that the energy has inspired me to exercise more and that helped to decrease my weight. Happy to have this product make me feel good and healthy.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 2 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

I think it's a good product, just need more time

By Albert J Dupell, Stratton, VT, Verified Reviewer

Vital Reds gives me more energy, although it only lasts about 12 to 14 hours. After that, there is not a crash, but a little let down. My arthritis in my hands is gone. My knees are much better. My acid reflux I think will go away by the time I finish my three month supply.

The only problem I have is that the powder does not completely dissolve. The last swallow is gritty. This would be much better if it was a capsule.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

Vital Reds experience

By Ken Malloy, New Jersey, Verified Reviewer

I have been taking Vital Reds for almost two months now and my wife for about a month. Right from the start, we both had more energy. As we move forward, we are noticing that our digestive system is much better and our skin is much improved. The flavor of this powder drink is delicious.

I would recommend this to everyone who needs to improve their way of life, it really works!

I have also noticed that you can reduce the amount of supplements you are taking because the Vital Reds has it covered.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

Great results

By Ron Williams, Durham, NC, Verified Reviewer

I've been taking Vital Reds now for about 45 days or so and at first, I wasn't sure if I noticed any change, but the first thing I noticed was that my pants were falling off of me and I had to tighten my belt up a little more. I've lost 9 or 10 lbs. I also started getting little bumps on my face, which typically means impurities in your body are looking for an escape. I feel better overall and all of this I think can be credited to Vital Reds.

My friend has also started taking it, and already she is losing weight. She also just ordered her own three-month supply. I'm going to my doctor within the next few months to get some readings on the heart condition to see the improvements. Thanks for helping to get me pointed in the right direction.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

My first experience with Vital Reds

By Susan Janka, Berrien Center, MI, Verified Reviewer

It was June 10, 2017 that I started to take Vital Reds.

I (56) shared this experience with my husband (61) and oldest daughter (38). We have taken one scoop daily. After three days, I asked them both if they had felt anything different in their daily routine? We compared notes. Surprisingly, we agreed our alertness and energy was elevated.

As time passed, I noticed my body was producing more fluid. I'm not sure how to share this information, but as my body would empty out the waste, it was not dry but moist. There seem to be excess body fluids being released. I mentioned this to husband and daughter. They both were experiencing the same effect.

This has been a positive addition for me as I am going through my life change as a woman.

The investment for us has been rewarding. The funny thing is it has been rewarding for all three of us! We start our day with a "cheers to our health," tapping our glasses together (I am serious).

I would encourage you to at least try Vital Reds. It is worth the investment of your money, time and most of all, your health!

Vital Reds fan.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

Vital Reds and Primal Plants

By Ernst Huber, Singapore, Verified Reviewer

My wife and I are taking Primal Plants in the morning and Vital Reds in the afternoon since one month.

We feel to have more energy, no cold, no flu, which was a regular happening. Since I have Leukemia, and my wife had a lung cancer operation, we hope that these two blends will increase our immune system to fight the cancer.

Surprisingly, the taste is good compared to other greens I have tried.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 9, 2017

A wonderful and healthful product

By Ernesto S Delos Reyes, California, Verified Reviewer

I had that sense and strange feeling the very first time I drank a glass of my Vital Reds mixed with a glass of cold water. It was really invigorating, and a feeling of strength surged through my body like it never did before. After I took a second glass taking the risk and not minding Dr. Gundry's instructions to take initially, only a glass of the Vital Reds. And a friend who is diabetic says she have had a normal blood count since she started taking the bottle of Vital Reds which I shared with her and had been nagging me to order more! I am looking forward to my next order and onward. Thank you, and more power for a truly wonderful and healthful product.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted
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