Vital Reds

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Vital Reds by Gundry MD

Overall Rating


1352 Customer Reviews

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Vital Reds by Gundry MD features a blend of more than 50 ingredients that are intended to conveniently support overall health. Opting for a well-balanced diet or other comprehensive supplements may be more cost-effective, however.


  • Research for many of the ingredients is in-line with claims made by Gundry MD
  • An extremely convenient method of consuming a complex blend of ingredients


  • Pricey, even when compared to other similar products
  • Many ingredients can be obtained from a well-balanced diet

Customer Reviews

4.3 Stars out of 1352 Reviews
5 Star:63% 4 Star:23% 3 Star:3% 2 Star:1% 1 Star:7%
89% Recommend This Product
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Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Great product

By Suzi Hines, Pittsburgh, PA, Verified Reviewer

My husband and I started taking Vital Reds at the same time we started The Plant Paradox diet. We have both noticed that we have more energy and feel better when we take Vital Reds. I've started mixing the Vital Reds and Primal Plants together, which I think tastes better than they do separately.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 2 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

I feel great! Lots of energy!

By Raymond Salois, Bowling Green, KY, Verified Reviewer

Hi Dr. Gundry, I like your product very much!

I have been using Vital Reds for about three months now, and I am very impressed with the way I feel through out my long working hours. I work from 2 pm - midnight seven days a week. Most of the time I will work 13 days straight and have one day off, and do it all over again! I have been drinking Vital Reds with one scoop into a half of a bottle of water at 1 pm and then at 8 pm, and I feel great. I have lots of energy. Heck, it is 3 am and I am up doing laundry and cleaning my house after working 11 hours today!

This is a very good product.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Vital Reds: the proof is in the taking

By June Marie DeLashmutt, Onawa, Iowa, Verified Reviewer

I began Vital Reds and the dietary changes, and within 2-3 weeks I was feeling better. My asthma symptoms, breathing, and energy levels improved. My chronic lumbar back pain and joint pains cleared. My chronic "explosive" watery diarrhea and gassiness resolved.

I added the prebiotics/probiotics, vitamin D3, B12, and fish oil. I watched my sodium. My blood pressure stabilized, leg edema went down, and my neuropathy pain decreased (it never went away but greatly lessened). I did not feel starved, for the first time I thought I would make it. You see, by the end of two months, I had lost 30 pounds, in spite of my heart, chronic lung, and pre diabetes.

And then it happened. My life was hit with a family crisis, and I sabotaged myself (as I have done my entire life). I went off the food plan, the Vital Reds, and I did not take the supplements. I ate anything I wanted, and I felt my depression returning. Overnight my Asthma deteriorated, and my pain came back (and then some). I was unable to walk well, and my energy fell off. I just was a mess. So as I broke out the Vital Reds again, I had learned a valuable lesson.

My experience was proof to me that Dr. Gundry is right, and his Plant Paradox program works. My further challenge will be to keep myself "right" emotionally.

Initially, my local family physician did not care if I followed Plant Paradox or added a consistent amount of green leafy vitamin K foods (due to a Coumadin prescription and its adverse effect with Vitamin K). He leafed through The Plant Paradox food list in the book and said it looked like a "Weight Watcher" diet. What he objected to strongly was my buying any supplements that go with this program. Ultimately, I am glad that I did purchase that first jar of Vital Reds, it has changed my life. When I follow the program I feel better, I am better.

Thank you Dr. Gundry.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Patiently waiting for astounding results

By Barry D Setzer, Blowing Rock, North Carolina, Verified Reviewer

Many purchases are made based on over zealous product reviews that set unrealistic expectations. I recognize Vital Reds is a very high-quality product comprised of essential nutrients for sustained human health. Having said this, I am not expecting magical results after taking a couple recommended daily doses. I plan to use Vital Reds for six months to give me and Dr. Gundry's supplement a fair evaluation.

I'm about to finish my second jar.


Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Company Response from Gundry MD

Aug 24, 2017

Hi Barry, I am Aria from Gundry MD! Thank you so much for leaving us feedback on your experience with Vital Reds so far. I definitely agree with your suggestion! We always suggest that our customers try Vital Reds for at least 90-days to get maximum results. If you do not experience the results you were expecting, we wholeheartedly stand by our 90-day money back guarantee. You can e-mail me directly at, and I will begin the refund process if that time ever comes! Again, thank you for giving our product a try Barry!

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Vital Reds experience

By Seth M. King, Jackson, Mississippi, Verified Reviewer

I thoroughly enjoyed Vital Reds! I do CrossFit at 4:30 am and work outside in the elements 10-11 hours a day. My only issue is the price (due to my finances mostly). I've introduced Vital Reds to my mom and grandmother. They both said it gave them energy and my mom said her skin actually looked and felt better.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 2 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Incredible energy boost!

By JB Littleton, Texas, Verified Reviewer

I was introduced to Vital Reds by a friend that was very impressed by them. I am really glad that I gave them a try. I noticed an increase in my energy the first couple of days, and I have been taking them now for about five months and have not regretted for a moment my decision to try Vital Reds. I have recommended them to many many of my friends, and they all agree with me.

I have a heart condition and my cardiologist is amazed that my lung function is better than it was and it was not bad. It is just better. All confirmed by my trainer that I am not as winded as I used to be. I wake up refreshed every morning! I am also a 77-year-old female that has never shown my age but now thanks to Vital Reds, even better!

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Vital Reds is awesome!

By Derek Goto, Honolulu, Hawaii, Verified Reviewer

I have been having some problems with my energy level and thought it was low "T." I keep hearing about it on TV and the radio, so I thought it has to be that. I exercise regularly, and my diet is primarily vegetables, fish, and some meat, so what else could it have been right?

Well, after trying Vital Reds, my energy level went up, and I feel great. I didn't think it would have such great results, but now I am a believer. Thanks Dr. Gundry!

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Vital Reds

By Bob Lawrence, Houston, TX, Verified Reviewer

Upon reviewing the product before purchasing, I thought points made justified doing a trial purchase of Vital Reds.

It's been several weeks now, and I have experienced more energy and clearer thinking, especially in the morning. Since I have retired, I play golf five days a week on average, and just six months before I turn 70, it's nice to know these two important benefits are being provided in Vital Reds supplement. The 18th hole comes easier now.

So far, I am convinced it will benefit me to carry-on past the initial trial period.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 2 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

A supplement powder that actually tastes good!

By Jean Martin, Arizona, Verified Reviewer

I am still on my first container of Vital Reds, so I don't have a dramatic story to tell yet. I am on a constant quest to find a good non-pill naturally derived supplement. This product actually tastes good! I just mix the powder with 8 oz of water and enjoy the tart natural berry flavor. There is no weird "artificial sweet flavor" that I associate with many stevia sweetened supplements. This is a product I feel good about giving my children, toddler to teen, and they actually take it. I am looking forward to trying the greens formula.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 3 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

Loving it

By Cynthia Pollet, Ropesville, Texas, Verified Reviewer

I really like cooking lemons in water, making a true lemonade, then adding a scoop of Vital Reds to it. I like the flavor of it. I think my stomach has started to shrink in size now; even my mom notices a difference. I just had a second foot surgery, so exercise is limited right now. I do feel like I have more energy too to conquer my days. I'm42 years old, so my body has changed some.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 2 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 10, 2017

An amazing product

By Nancy Caudle, Shawnee, KS, Verified Reviewer

Vital Reds has helped me feel better. Given me back some of my energy. I Iove the product. I am 66 years old and was feeling wiped out every day. I'm still working and usually lots of extra hours. Now I can do other things besides work, come home and go to bed. Thank you.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 2 People Have Voted
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