Vital Reds

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Vital Reds by Gundry MD

Overall Rating


1352 Customer Reviews

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Vital Reds by Gundry MD features a blend of more than 50 ingredients that are intended to conveniently support overall health. Opting for a well-balanced diet or other comprehensive supplements may be more cost-effective, however.


  • Research for many of the ingredients is in-line with claims made by Gundry MD
  • An extremely convenient method of consuming a complex blend of ingredients


  • Pricey, even when compared to other similar products
  • Many ingredients can be obtained from a well-balanced diet

Customer Reviews

4.3 Stars out of 1352 Reviews
5 Star:63% 4 Star:23% 3 Star:3% 2 Star:1% 1 Star:7%
89% Recommend This Product
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Posted on Aug 15, 2017

Vital Reds are amazing

By Keri DiBlasi, Kentucky, Verified Reviewer

Just about ready to finish my second jar of Vital Reds, Primal Plants, and Prebiotrive. I mix all three together in a shaker cup every morning. I enjoy the flavor; it's a great beginning to my day. I have now lost 20 lbs, my energy has increased, and my hair and skin look great. And because I feel so good it's given me the willpower to change how I eat and to be and stay healthy! I tell everybody I know about them. They're amazing!

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 9 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017

Vital Reds

By Paul Knott, New South Wales, Australia, Verified Reviewer

Hi. I have now been taking Vital Reds and Lectin Shield for about six weeks along with increasing fiber in my diet.

I have noticed that my overall well-being has improved. I used to get a lot of stomach cramps and headache from the result of the cramping, but now my digestion has improved dramatically. Vital Reds not only tastes great, they have also made me feel great as well.

For years I have had stomach issues and was told by my GP that I have IBS. I was finding that I was getting anxious every time that I was to go out to a party or even to go out to lunch because no particular food would set off the cramps but I knew they were going to come.

Now after my six weeks of taking Vital Reds and Lectin Shield, I can go out with confidence that the cramping and headaches are a thing of the past. I have now introduced Vital Reds to my wife to see if it helps with her energy levels.

Overall, I feel that Vital Reds and a change in my everyday diet has made a massive difference to my life.

Thank you.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 7 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017


By Dwayne D Baines, North Carolina, Verified Reviewer

Vital Reds has been real. The energy I get is priceless. I am on so much medicine that I am tired all the time, but with Vital Reds, I have energy now. I am walking four to five miles, five days a week. Thank you, Dr. Grundy, for giving me my life again.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 6 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017

Most believable product of its kind!

By William Nelsen, Midlothian, VA, Verified Reviewer

Of all the products being touted over the internet as the end all/cure all formula for improved health, and I've tried several, Vital Reds has fulfilled my expectations in spades. I gave this product some time to determine the effects it had on my sense of feeling better simply to get past the placebo effect that you can experience by taking a new and improved version of something else taken before.

I blend Vital Reds with a variety of other things, and I have to admit many of my concoctions are simply OK, but I'm more concerned with what it does rather than the overall taste of my blends. Vital Reds by itself has a very good flavor, but I add several things to my blended drinks for a number of reasons.

All in all, Vital Reds beats all expectations of a healthy drink formula, and I have recommended it several times since I've started my regimen of this product.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 6 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017


By Judith Stoddard, Ocean Park, WA, Verified Reviewer

I am now getting up after nine hours of sleep and doing things all day. I can get to sleep easier every night. My mind is clearer. I will not go a day without it unless I am sick and cannot hold it down. It is a dream come true. Now if I could only lose weight.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 6 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017

Good prices, tasty

By Judie Harrington, California, Verified Reviewer

I have been 100% committed to drinking Vital Reds every morning. It's tasty and simple to ingest. Unfortunately, I haven't experienced any changes in my health. But I did spend money for it, so I will continue to drink it until it's gone.

Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017

Vital Reds

By Delores Allen Davis, Nevada, Verified Reviewer

My skin is not as dry and wrinkled, my energy level is up, I sleep better, and I have longer, fuller hair. I am so pleased with Vital Reds and I plan to always take it. I am on my second jar.

Love, love, love, love this product.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017

Definitely increased my energy levels

By Celeste Shackleton, New South Wales, Australia, Verified Reviewer

I've noticed increased energy levels. My lows at 3 pm and collapsing at 7 pm have stopped. I haven't experienced a suppression in hunger and haven't really experienced any weight loss, but I bought this for energy, and it's working. I've also enjoyed the emails with advice and information.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017

Increased energy and better skin

By Doug Pierson, Sacramento, CA, Verified Reviewer

I used one scoop every morning for the past five weeks in my morning iced tea. I have been recovering from an allergic reaction to antibiotics which has kept my energy levels at about 50% of what it was before. I am 52 years old and worked construction until about 14 years ago, but have always been able to work 8+ hours of physical work until the reaction, after that three or four hours and I was whipped and sore.

One week after taking the Vital Reds formula I was able to work eight hours in 90+ degree heat. The last two weeks I have been about 95% of where my energy was before. I have also had eczema all my life with patches on my face which flare up with foods I am sensitive to, but since I have been using Vital Reds I have not had any flare ups, and other skin abnormalities have either cleared up or have gotten much better. Thank you very much.

P.S. Vital Reds makes a very good fruit punch and thirst quencher.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 8 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017

Great product

By Sherrie Salazar, Aurora, CO, Verified Reviewer

I started taking Vital Reds four weeks ago. I simply put one scoop into a bottle of water or mix with my morning protein shake. It has a fresh and vitalizing berry taste. I feel refreshed for hours. Increased mental clarity, sleep better, and have more energy. It's definitely worth the money. I didn't notice any immediate changes, they were gradual and started occurring at about the eight-day mark.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted

Posted on Aug 14, 2017

I have been very pleased with how I feel after taking the Vital Reds.

By Mary Shelman, Surprise, AZ, Verified Reviewer

I have been taking the Vital Reds for approximately one month. I am feeling much more energetic, am sleeping better and have even lost a little weight. I'm not sure how scientific this may sound, but I feel more "solid," as opposed to feeling "flighty" and unable to concentrate for more than a couple of minutes.

The drink tastes very pleasant, and I've had no trouble incorporating it into my day.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Helpful Review? 4 People Have Voted
Showing 298-308 of 1352

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