I have been hospitalized several times in 2016, 2017 and 2018. I weighed 350lbs in June and decided it was time to take my life and make some changes. I was on Almased once before and didn't take it seriously. This time I had to - my blood sugars were running into the 400's, I was on two different insulins and oral meds too. I started on Almased the last week of July and today is September 20th. I was 350lbs, and now I'm down to 265 lbs. I don't take insulin anymore, my blood sugars run from 69 to 120. Almased is the best in my book, and I'm going to continue on it. I have recommended Almased to 18 women so far and 6 men. I think there's going to be an Almased craze here in North Carolina. Thanks Almased!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
23 people found it helpful
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