Bridget M.
FifeMember since July 2018

Reviews (1)

    • Jul 27, 2018
    • Verified Reviewer

    a2 Milk

    21-month-old with problems digesting regular milk

    Overall Experience:

    I am so happy to have found this milk for my 21-month-old son has had problems with wind, painful gas, and reflux since changing to regular milk from Nutramigen Pure Amino (prescribed by a doctor) and frequent night wakings having to rub his tummy for hours, 3-5 in the morning. It's only been two days on A2 milk, and he's slept all night both nights and no painfully gas and wind at all. I always suspected my son was sensitive to milk and struggled to digest it rather than a milk allergy or lactose intolerance, as he could eat small amounts of yogurt and cheese with no side effects.

    If your child has a genuine milk allergy, then consult a doctor first before trying this milk. But if you're a parent to a sensitive tummy toddler I highly recommend giving this a try. It's a bit on the expensive side, but I plan on buying the long life whole milk version to store in my cupboards on the occasion's when I can't get to the shops. It's cheaper, and I can buy in bulk online which lasts up to six months. It also has no preservatives, so nothing added, just different packaging and has that ultra heat treatment. I get monthly milk tokens so I can use them to get a long life or fresh A2 milk in stores. I have not checked if I can buy a long life version in store yet. If it's not widely available it might be a suggestion to the A2 company to spread out the long life version to all stores to give parents a cheaper option.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    9 people found it helpful

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