A little back history: I am an eating disordered, total Diet Coke addict (I drank easily a gallon or more of Diet Coke per day, no water). I skipped meals and ate primarily fast food. I hate cooking when I am rushed and because I always have more exciting things to do than cook. As you can well imagine, fat and tired and sick and tired of being sick and tired.
On a whim, because Dr. Lee's feed came up on my spouse's Facebook and I happened to overhear, I ordered the stuff! "What do we have to lose" was my thinking at the time. Nothing could have prepared me for what amazing and massive changes were about to occur in my life and my spouse as well, who also wanted to try it out with me because we both suffer the same ailment; illness and obesity. Spouse is diabetic, by the way.
The day we began taking BIO X4, I prepared our usual food to high-fat to work (breakfast and lunch for the spouse, breakfast for me). I started that first day with no expectations. At breakfast time on the first day both myself and spouse had our usual diet soda. Neither of us finished that soda. At lunchtime, my spouse opened another soda because that is the routine; again, did not finish it. I ran out of the four bottles of water I took with me to work, which is not my norm (I hate water, rather hated, past tense). But, because I ran out of water, and I am such a "guzzler," I was forced to drink a soda around 2 pm on my break. I really did not want it.
That evening when dinner was being served, I asked my spouse, "How many sodas do you want with dinner?" The answer floored me because it was the same answer as myself! Do we really have to have a soda because I really do not want one! That was the most amazing moment for me. The days that followed we both found that soda did not mean anything to either of us anymore. After a couple of weeks, I sold our stockpile of sodas (18 total 12-packs of Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper); made our money back on them too.
Since that time we no longer crave fast foods. We have this desire within ourselves that drives us to eat healthily and make good food decisions. With our "reset button" working properly, thanks to BIO X4, we began emptying our home of Almond Joys and Kit Kats, cookies, frozen pizzas, chips, bread, crackers, Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines and really all processed foods.
We decided to try eating all natural, nothing processed; from a box or bag. All fresh produce and meats. I figured we could not go wrong with this approach. We really enjoyed all the fruits, veggies and meats, not much breads but low carb- high fiber wraps and tortillas were a must-have. Within a month of starting the BIO X4, I found myself wanting to push us harder to get faster results, remember, I am a now recovering eating disordered person. I was anorexic in high school and eventually switched to bulimia. In my mid 30's I worked hard to stop the bulimia and did successfully, despite everything, I never could kick the binges; until now, and I attribute that to BIO X4 and the LCHF diet! Ultimately, my research during the last month or so has lead me to a low carb, no/low sugar, high fat diet. We are taking our BIO X4 as directed, not having any cravings at all for anything, rarely feel hunger. We both have a ton more energy than we have in years.
The first thing that those close to us noticed was our skin. Saying how our skin looked so clear and radiant. Now they are all noticing our success in dropping weight. A number of our friends and family have already ordered BIO X4. Some of them have had great success and others not so much.
My spouse and I both agree that this is the easiest thing we have ever tried and done. We have found a new lifestyle that we can live with for the rest of our lives, that definitely includes BIO X4. We have also discussed between ourselves that if this pill does not help someone as it states then the person did not follow Dr. Lee's recommendations and take the pill as directed. Both of us, myself and spouse, were having the same results at the same time but did not realize our simultaneous occurrences until we discussed our feelings and happenings of each day with one another.
We cannot see a day, in our lifetime, without BIO X4. Thanks to Dr. Lee the unhealthy cycle of SODA, ALMOND JOYS, PAY DAYS, KIT KATS, Mc Donalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's and Whataburger (sugar and carbs) no longer control and dictate our life. We have taken our power back, we have taken our life back and are no longer under the control and in need of big pharma and healthcare services, all of who want to rob us of our finances by keeping us sick and nearly dead.
Over time, it has become blatantly obvious to me that we as individual humans no longer matter. We only count as the masses. The more crap they feed us, the sicker we get. We require more medications which in turn requires another medication to combat the side effects of the medication they have prescribed us. The cycle is vicious, and I firmly believe that majority of health ailments originate with the foods that are being offered to us. They have approved and directed us to eat low-fat diets. Low-fat foods are filled with carbs and sugars which makes you crave more of the same. Finally, you just give in and become an eating machine, and there you are caught in the cycle to no fault of your own. It is what was intended for you and me. Dr. Lee, however, has the keys to the handcuffs they put on us and she is willing to share the key with you and I and for that, I will be eternally grateful!
Just remember, Dr. Lee's BIO X4 is not a fix all, it is a tool that allows you to succeed, where in the past you have always failed. You still have to do your part. She gave us the bullets that go in the gun to shoot down our food enemies. Our body is the gun, the BIO X4 is the bullet and Dr. Lee said we could do it, and we did!
Thank you from the bottom of our eternally grateful hearts in Spicewood, Texas!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
9 people found it helpful
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Company Response from Nucific, LLC
Tracy, thank you so much for taking the time to tell us about your journey. You and your husband's stories are truly remarkable, and we are so honored that you chose Nucific BIO X4 to motivate you into pursuing a life of health! We support you and your husband wholeheartedly! Please email me at Naomi.benson@nucific.com if you ever have any questions or concerns along the way. On behalf of everyone at Nucific, we are so happy to have you as a part of the Nucific family!