I have rheumatoid arthritis, and someone gave me a bottle of Deep Blue dietary supplements. They made my muscles tense up so so so bad that it was hard to move. It felt like my muscles were being eaten away by something. I wanted to make sure it was this supplement, so I tested it. I stopped taking them, and I finally felt better after three days, then I took them again and sure enough, I experienced more pain than I have ever felt in my life.
Please DO NOT take oils internally. doTerra says it is ok, but it NOT. They are way too concentrated to take internally. My girlfriend was taking Frankincense and On Guard internally the correct way, and she had to have her spleen removed. This is not ok doTerra. You suck, and I hate you. I think maybe you should stick telling people to use oils externally.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
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