I spent 12 years in the UK Special Forces, I have been training since the age of 14, and I have never seen, used or followed a fitness program before (outside of the military). I went through a low training period in my 30's due to building a business and a family.
I came across Mark's program just under a year ago. Although I have not followed the diet plan to the letter (I do like a drink or three), I have finished all three phases and what a result I have had.
I have been with my wife since we were 15 and 16 (now 47), and she comments almost every day on how great I'm looking. She has said countless times that I'm in the best shape she has ever seen me in. I must be completely honest and say that I agree with her, and even my work colleagues comment on how good I'm looking and ask what it is I'm now doing. I have no problem letting them know that it's the Abs After 40 and a lot of effort on my part. Let's be honest, if you don't put "P" for plenty in, how can you expect to get results?
I have received a lot of emails regarding their products, but I have never been pressured into buying them. I'm a bit old-school when it comes to products, and I believe in eating well and training hard.
I will be signing up to the Abs After 40 Advanced system because it works! I hope this helps, and whatever system you choose, always remember to "maintain the aim."
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
34 people found it helpful
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