CaliforniaMember since January 2017

Reviews (1)

    • Jan 23, 2017
    • Verified Reviewer

    Vital Reds by Gundry MD


    Overall Experience:

    I can't say enough good about this product. I stumbled upon their video a couple of months ago and decided to give it a try. Now my husband and I are both using Vital Reds.

    I have suffered from acid reflux for what seems like forever, and I can't remember how long it has been since I have felt this kind of energy. I've only been on Vital Reds for a few weeks now, and my heartburn is almost nonexistent. My husband was diagnosed with a fully blocked carotid artery (inoperable due to further complications), and he is taking Vital Reds as well to help with circulatory issues.

    We will update on your site as we see progress. Thank you for such a fabulous product.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    3 people found it helpful

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