I recently purchased the Abs After 40 program with the number one goal in mind to finally get in the best shape of my life. I am a 53-year-old male, and within the last ten years I've tried programs, such as P90X, and found the workouts to be too long and exhausting. Although I did see some results after only making it to day 75 of a 90-day program, I thought I looked good enough to stop. Now that I am older and feeling the effects of low testosterone and its symptoms, I'm glad I found a program that will help boost my T levels back to what they were as a younger man.
So far I have successfully completed Week 3 of Phase 1 of the program, and although I haven't been as regimented with the nutrition side of the program as I should be, I have lost 6 pounds so far, feel more energized, and actually am actually beginning to see my abdominal muscles again, since this first phase has been so core-focused.
Unlike the other reviews posted here, I can honestly say that I have not been pushed or duped into buying supplements for this program. Although I do get a fair number of emails regarding supplements, I've never had anyone call me and try to hard sell me. Obviously, the other two reviews on this site were from people who seemed to want to complain about the marketing of this company and their products, rather than give a positive testimonial as to whether or not the program has had a positive benefit for them. I think the videos and the exercises are great! Much easier on my joints than other, more high impact programs I've tried in the past.
I can't wait to complete Phase 1 this week and move on to Phase 2. This is one program I will without a doubt continue until the end. If Mark McIlyar can look that good at 53, then so can I! ;-)
I would absolutely recommend the Abs After 40 program to my other over 40-year-old buddies.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
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