I was skeptical when I ordered it. After a few days of no coffee I realized I had more energy as well as no crashing. This blend really helps me kick my minimum 6 cup a day coffee habit. I sleep way better, no more waking up all night, tossing and turning. When my alarm goes off in the morning I get right up and don't feel horrible like I always did every morning before all my cups of coffee.
I recently started working out at the gym. I had not worked out for a few years and this gave me the energy to work all day in a machine shop then go home and later that night go to the gym. My energy levels are the best I have felt. I have lost 20 lbs so far and I am almost done with my first 30 day supply. I am so happy I had a good feeling about this product and got the 3 month supply right out the gate. Not only do I get more done at work but at home when I get home from work I am getting my honey-do's caught up as well.
The best part about my energy is how I don't have the jitters that I got from the coffee. I tell all of my family and friends about Vital Reds. I get asked all the time is this a pyramid thing that you get paid if they order the product? I laugh and say no I just want you to feel as good as I do and be healthy. My brother in law had artery blockage so I told him to start taking it so we will see what it does for him. I am a true believer in this stuff and I will continue to take it and get healthier and healthier as I head into turning 38. I have never written a review on a product before but I feel so different with no crazy amounts of sugar to get me to be able to do the things that I have to in my day to day thing called life. I would at least try it and if it doesn't work for you then get your money back. That was my original plan like so many other things I have tried to make me healthy and give me energy. A very happy client here.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
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