I've been battling fatigue, weight gain, dizzy spells, etc., for 5 months now. I would sleep 7-8 hours at night and then have to take one, sometimes two, naps during the day and each nap easily lasted 1-2 hours. The "need" to lay down was so strong. After 2 months I decided that this needed a doctor's diagnosis and wasn't just a temporary thing but couldn't get in to my MD for another 10 weeks.
In desperation, I started reading online trying to find some explanation and/or possible resolution. Since I read and have successfully used Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution in the past I was interested when I read on his website about Vital Reds. It seemed to address fatigue, low metabolism, etc., so I ordered some.
Vital Reds tastes good in water and I made a point of fixing my Vital Reds first thing in the morning even before eating breakfast. While I saw no obvious changes, after about 2 weeks I realized that I hadn't experienced the need to take a nap during the day for several days. This was wonderful! At my age (71), I simply cannot afford to sleep my life away. I the meantime, I've seen my MD who couldn't diagnose the problem but referred me to an Endocrinologist.
In my first visit to the specialist he found that my thyroid has several nodules on it and I will be following up with him on a biopsy and treatment. I was so pleased with the help that Vital Reds gave me in the interim that I took the jar with me to show him. He agrees that the contents are good and I continue to take it every day to help me with maintaining my energy levels. I am so pleased with the difference that it made that I not only gave some to my son to try (he's also been complaining of some fatigue) but ordered a six-month supply. It's not an "energy drink" with a caffeine jolt. You have to be consistent and stick with it BUT IT WORKS! Thank you Dr. Gundry.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
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