Kaitlyn J.
Dallas, TXMember since March 2022

Reviews (1)

    • Apr 4, 2022
    • Verified Reviewer

    Lemonaid Health

    So blessed to have found Lemonaid!

    • Length of Use: 6–12 months
    Overall Experience:

    I have been using Lemonaid Health for just under a year and it has changed my life. I was previously diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but stopped my medication because I couldn't afford it anymore and believed I had it under control (which I did or at least had it suppressed for a few years). It started going out of control nearly two years ago but as anyone with mental health will tell you taking the first step towards help is often the hardest.

    I made an attempt to get help once through my doctor just to be jerked around until I gave up. I felt like a complete failure in every aspect of my life. I felt I wasn't doing my students any good, was ready to quit the job I once loved, felt numb almost all day every day, and was way less productive at work and home than ever before.

    One day, I was about ready to just break so I searched online for options and Lemonaid Health was the first to pop up. I signed up right there before I lost motivation and it is the best choice I have ever made. There are still plenty of hard days but I feel joy again. I'm back to loving being at my job and with my students. I'm less irritable and more patient. I'm just a better person overall thanks to Lemonaid.

    I plan to be a lifelong customer and recommend it to anyone who feels they're struggling.

    Pros and Cons:

    • How easy it was to get help
    • They truly listen to me, even when I ramble
    • They are always available for me
    • They are very professional
    • No “cons” were specified in this review

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

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