June H.
Irving, TXMember since September 2021

Reviews (1)

    • Sep 8, 2021
    • Verified Reviewer


    Bought for a different problem...

    • Length of Use: 2+ years
    Overall Experience:

    I have heard that although Dinovite was supposed to help with itching, etc., I also heard it stopped dogs from eating poop and it did! We had 2 miniature Dachshund sisters who both did this (yuk) and in just a few days of feeding Dinovite, the poop-eating stopped! The girls have passed on now but I kept the last empty box in case we ever needed it again, don't want to forget the name. Thanks!

    Pros and Cons:

    • Product solved the problem
    • No “cons” were specified in this review

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    3 people found it helpful

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