Did not know the damage this was causing to my dog until one day she stopped eating and became very ill. Pancreatitis, the vet said, after finding my 11.5-year-old Dobie dehydrated and wobbly on her feet. $2000 later, after 2 days of vet treatment (IV fluids, a battery of tests, all day stay at the doctor's, etc.), she did not get better and progressively became unable to get up, stand, or walk independently. She grew more withdrawn and lethargic. We drove two hours in a panic to get her the soonest MRI appointment available (thank you West LA VCA). We knew there had to be more going on than pancreatitis as it seemed that neurological complications were kicking in rapidly.
I am so mad at myself for not reading the label more carefully, nor the many reviews that out this product as not only useless, but TOXIC. I failed to do my usual research, trusting that this product would indeed help my dog. No, it did not. My dog became so unwell. I cannot bear to think that it is my fault that she is no longer alive. That a product, seemingly harmless, over the course of 40 days or so, affected my dog's nervous system and heart. She was a healthy senior dog, recently had her check up, and this poison, marketed so innocuously, made her sick to death. Literally. PLEASE read the label carefully.
Also, a dosage of 1 tsp per 8 oz of water makes no sense without taking into account the size/weight of your dog. Something is not right with this kind of dosing.
Lastly, within the month/month and some days of using this product (and still having almost 2 ounces left in the bottle), it is clear to me that this is what affected my dog so severely. A little additive in her water, over time, day after day, wreaked havoc on her body. I am sick about it, and now can only warn others. Please find a different, more natural product that isn't about feeding your dogs chemicals. There is no other explanation for the quick deterioration of my once vibrant and healthy fur baby. I am now $6000 in debt from hospital bills and the euthanasia/cremation process. I am sickened that the USA has such substandard laws regarding chemicals in our ingestible products. I also have learned a big lesson and feel the least I can do now is shed light on my unfortunate turn of events by reaching out to alert others. This product should NOT be available for purchase.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
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