J J.
IllinoisMember since February 2021

Reviews (1)

    • Mar 3, 2021
    • Verified Reviewer

    Function of Beauty

    Customer service? What's that?

    • Length of Use: 6–12 months
    Overall Experience:

    Ordered a hair mist bundle - so it was not an item that was customized. The order came to me incomplete. Contacted them re incomplete order via their website "contact us" form. Received an email acknowledging their receipt of the email, then received an email saying they were closing the ticket as the complaint had been resolved!

    I emailed them back saying no, it hasn't been resolved as I had received neither the missing item nor a refund.

    We went back and forth with - "it has been resolved," "no, I have neither item nor money" dialogue.

    Finally, I had enough and got PayPal involved and they resolved the issue in my favor.

    If you get what you ordered and what you paid for - great. Otherwise, you are going to have problems, because their customer service is HORRIBLE. Notice, they don't have a phone number so you can speak to someone directly about order issues, questions, etc.

    Pros and Cons:

    • Really loved the smell of the items I custom-ordered
    • Customer service is non-existent
    • They take your money and don't care after that
    • Don't have a phone number to speak to a human
    • Don't have a dedicated email to handle customer/order issues

    Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend

    4 people found it helpful

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