I bought Dr. Ho's handheld machine with the 4 small and large pads and I think they did me no good at all. I, however, bought the big white round foot machine, it's called "Circulation promoter fast relief for foot and leg pain". This machine turns out to be a nightmare for me. I used it for about 3 months approximately. Then my feet and legs started to swell up big time with water retention. This has never happened to me before or to no one else in my family of 7 brothers and sisters. Now I have to wear compression socks for the rest of my life. I am 69 years old going 70. This is a living nightmare for sure. I am about 90% sure that the Dr. Ho's foot machine caused this problem. The regular doctors won't touch this subject with a ten-foot pole as they all stick together. I cannot find any way to reverse this problem. These socks I have to wear for the rest of my life is horrible.
No, I would not recommend any Dr. Ho products to anyone. Plus, they are way overpriced.
Pros and Cons:
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
3 people found it helpful
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Company Response from DR-HO'S
Hello Wilson. Thank you for the feedback on your experience with the DR-HO'S Circulation Promoter. I'm sorry to hear about your experience, and about the swelling in your legs. The Circulation Promoter is designed to relieve symptoms associated with various pains, and improve circulation. In effect, it's meant to help reduce inflammation, so it is very odd that this would happen. In your review, you noted that the length of use was 2+ years, but this occurred in the last 3 months. It could be coincidental because our device uses TENS and EMS technologies, which are generally very safe for people to use. There has been a lot of research conducted on the benefits of TENS therapy over the last 30 years and there are no instances that display the risks as increased swelling or water retention. Unfortunately, there may be another underlying factor causing this issue and we highly recommend that you consult a doctor for more information into your condition and what may be affecting it. In our experience, it's highly unlikely that a doctor would not diagnose or provide you with a course of treatment. There are also some safety precautions outlined in our manuals that are important to go through as well. If you have any further questions or concerns, please email us at drho@dhronow.com. In the subject, please write "attention Kathe", and I'd be happy to assist.