Very sketchy. You cannot cancel your account. I planned to send a 2 week gift to my sister and brother in law. I had to enroll in continuous delivery, but figured I was responsible enough to manually cancel after the 2 weeks. I emailed customer service to see how to do it; they replied that I had a 3 day (beginning a week after I emailed them) to cancel. Any earlier and I would not get them their week 2 delivery, any later and I'd have to be charged for the following week. I dutifully marked my calendar and signed in to cancel. The instructions emailed were completely false. They required me to follow tabs that didn't exist. An hour of sleuthing later, it seems that you need to email a specific cancelation email that doesn't cancel you but days later replies with a hidden link to follow to cancel. The Blue Apron's business model is that of a roach motel.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
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