I've joined two DietBet games. I joined the first because the host (Fatgirlfedup) promised to share what she ate and discuss things that had helped her. She lost over 300 pounds so I was very excited to get started! She posted twice the entire month. One of the times she posted she told us to remember to drink water. I thought she was having a bad month. I came close to winning my DietBet and wanted to try again. I chose the same host, figuring she had a bad month. We're all human so I was willing to give it another try. Again, she posted two or three times. I was so disappointed. I joined an online weight loss community and found motivation there. I won my second DietBet. Now I've found out that Fatgirlfedup doesn't participate in any of her DietBet games, apart from a couple of posts. There have also been many people complaining that she doesn't deliver her promised giveaways. She uses the giveaways as incentives for people to join her games. She has been steadily regaining weight while still promoting DietBet. She has also been seen drunk in her Instagram stories and has recently been accused of sexually harassing a male friend. I cannot believe DietBet promotes such a person to represent their brand. People need to realize that the host matters when you choose a game. I cannot recommend DietBet any longer. However, if you do decide to play, stay away from Fatgirfedup's games.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
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