Theraworx Relief

Theraworx Relief is a topical muscle cramp solution that claims to provide relief from cramps and spasms without any side effects using a gentle formulation.
Theraworx Relief Review - Does It Work and Is It Safe?
Theraworx Relief promises to prevent cramps with their non-prescription, fast-absorbing foam.
Leg cramps are involuntary and painful muscle contractions, most commonly occurring at night. Occuring in 50-60% of adults, they typically target your calf muscles, though anywhere from the thigh to foot can be affected.
The exact mechanism is unknown, but many variables are thought to be at play. Most cases are idiopathic - simply arising spontaneously without warning. Other causes may be related to nerve dysfunction, intense exercise, lack of exercise, pregnancy, electrolyte imbalance, vascular disease, and medications.
The possible sources of cramping are numerous, thus this condition affects a wide array of populations; from high level athletes to the elderly. Treatment options are also many, though finding relief can be challenging when the cause is unknown.
In this article, we review the scientific support for the safety and efficacy of this product.
How to Use Theraworx
In 3 easy steps, Theraworx is said to offer relief within the first 2-weeks with twice daily use:
- Shake bottle and apply 2 pumps of foam to the muscles where you get cramps
- Rub the foam into the muscle until it is completely absorbed
- Repeat and let dry
Theraworx Active Ingredient: Does It Work?
Theraworx believes relief is possible through the action of their active ingredient: Magnesium Sulfate (Magnesia sulphurica) 6X 0.05% HPUS (Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States - this indicates that this product is FDA-recognized and follows the HPUS rules)
Magnesium is involved in countless reactions in your body. As deficiency is thought to be associated with muscle cramping, treatment with magnesium is available in various forms.
While support for leg cramp relief through orally administered magnesium is mixed, Theraworx offers a topical formula.
Theraworx is thought to address a potential and important limitation of oral magnesium supplementation - many previous studies administered oral magnesium to those not deficient, resulting in the kidney likely removing the excess. If the excess magnesium is removed before its concentration is increased in cramping leg muscles, it is rendered useless.
Theraworx was found to decrease the severity and frequency of nighttime leg cramps over the course of 4-weeks when compared to placebo. A possible mechanism for these findings is that topical magnesium may pass through muscle tissue before absorption and excretion by the kidneys.
As the primary function of the skin is to serve as a protective barrier, its capacity to absorb is limited, however. Getting through water-tight layers of your skin requires special formulations of supplements and medications.
The Israeli army found that magnesium was not absorbed through the skin when soldiers administered a magnesium containing protective lotion. These findings were corroborated a few years later; there were no differences in magnesium levels for those using a magnesium rich lotion or placebo lotion.
A study supporting the possibility of magnesium absorption through the skin found elevated levels in 16 of 19 subjects that bathed in magnesium solutions for 12 minutes daily over 1-week.
The Takeaway:
Scientific support for oral administration of magnesium for leg cramps is mixed, though likely most promising in pregnant women. Shortcoming of this method of administration are thought to result from excess magnesium being removed by the kidneys before it can act on muscle.
Theraworx claims to get around this issue by applying topical magnesium for absorption directly into the muscle. Relief for your cramps with this method proved promising when compared to placebo. Evidence supporting the skin’s ability to absorb magnesium is just as mixed as that for oral formulations, however.
Though topical magnesium may be a more effective way to relieve muscle cramps, most studies, including the Therwarox trial, state that much more work is needed to fully characterize the role for this method of delivery.
With such limited support and difficulty identifying concentrations of magnesium used in older studies to compare to the contents of Theroworx, it is challenging to support claims that this product is effective in treating leg cramps.
The Theraworx trial claims that there are no known side effects, though their site states mild skin reactions are possible. This is likely because topical formulations bypass your gastrointestinal tract.
Three times daily application of 10ml magnesium-rich lotion was not associated with serious side effects, nor were toxic levels of magnesium found in either the treatment or placebo groups.
Similarly, there are no known medications that would interact dangerously with this topical application, though effectiveness may be reduced if used in conjunction with other creams as they can serve as a barrier.
The Takeaway:
Topical magnesium acts at the site of your symptoms and is unlikely to have whole-body effects or dangerous interactions as it is not ingested. It’s still a good idea to discuss use with a doctor first.
The Cost & Where To Buy
You can order Thereworx Relief directly from their site and expect to receive your order in 3-6 business days. Your 7.1oz bottle is $20.49 + shipping and handling. Theraworx is also available for purchase via phone or through Amazon. They do not offer automated shipping services.
Though this product may be obtained in-person elsewhere; Target, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens. Keep in mind that their 30-day money-back guarantee is only supported through the website, phone, or Amazon purchases.
Are There Any Alternatives?
There are other magnesium sulfate-based topical ointments on the market. Kirkman offers similar products, though you get about half the amount for the same price when compared to Theraworx.
Cryoderm offers a cream that is said to calm muscles and nerves though magnesium harvested from the Dead Sea. This product differs in that magnesium chloride is the active ingredient, and that it costs more than double for a similar amount when compared to Theraworx.
Lastly, there are a number of oral magnesium supplements offered by various retailers. Available in tablet and capsule form, these products are also said to provide relief for muscle cramps.
Keep in mind that while topical creams and foams act locally, and are therefore much less likely to affect you systemically, the effects of ingestible supplements may not be contained to the cramping muscles.
Seek medical opinion before use of these products.
What Are Users Saying?
Here on HighYa, 38 users rated the product at 4.1 out of 5 stars. Users seem to be generally satisfied with Theraworx.
Happy customers report fast and effective relief with Theraworx.
One negative reviewer describes his cramps returning after discontinuing the use of Theraworx. Another describes effectiveness at other painful sites, though it does not seem to work on the pain associated with his total knee replacement.
The Bottom Line: Is Theraworx Worth It?
Both oral and topical magnesium supplements have mixed support regarding efficacy. While topical magnesium was most effective in reducing the severity and frequency of leg cramps in pregnant women, report in other populations is lacking.
Topical magnesium works at the site of application and is not associated with whole-body effects or drug interactions that may be possible with oral magnesium.
Despite mixed research results regarding effectiveness, Theraworx may be a reasonable option for those that battle leg cramps because of its favorable safety profile. The upside would be pain relief and avoiding medical treatment.
The downside would be continued pain and the need to find relief elsewhere. Speaking with your doctor before use is still your best bet.
Customer Reviews
Posted on Apr 22, 2022
This stuff works
Since a lower back surgery, I have had extremely painful leg cramps at night. So painful that sleep is impossible. I was skeptical that anything could help ease the pain and release the knotted-up muscles. Theraworx brought 99% relief within 60 seconds. No idea how it works but it does. Also helps with back spasms when applied there. I highly recommend the foam over the spray. It’s easier and neater to apply.
Length of Use: 1–2 years
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Know nothing about the company, the product is a game-changer
No “cons” were specified in this review
Posted on Oct 24, 2021
Theraworx is a scam
Do you know what 6X HPUS 0.05% means? It means it has been diluted by a factor of 10 six times over! There is no magnesium of any consequence in the product! And, by the way, magnesium sulfate is essentially Epsom salt and it does NOT get past your skin barrier to get to where it is needed - the muscle cells.
Please Google Homeopathic and find the Wikipedia entry and you will see all sorts of science that backs up the claim that the Homeopathic approach is quackery.
This company has filed for bankruptcy, so keep that in mind when choosing to buy its products, or not.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
The product label is attractive
They are perpetuating a fraud
Their product is no better than placebo, yet it is not cheap
The company is in BK court
Posted on Feb 6, 2021
Horrible results
I used it one time for leg cramps at night. It severely dried out my lower legs and left what looks like chemical burn scars. Used about one week ago. Hopefully, my skin will heal with time. Unfortunately, there is no way to download a picture on this site.
Length of Use: Less than 3 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Jul 3, 2020
Cramp relief while taking oral magnesium supplements
Took magnesium oxide for over one year with excellent results (no cramps period), changed to magnesium glycinate because it was more absorbable. Also no leg cramps for months but started golfing and the weather got hotter. Then started to have a dull pain in the lower right calf. First thought it was circulation problems but the pain subsided with ankle exercise which lead me to think "dull cramp pain". I had purchased Theraworx a year before but never used. After being woken up with dull calf cramps pain, decided to try Theraworx. Applied as directed and the pain disappeared in 30 minutes. No more dull pain for 3 days but did return during the afternoon of the fourth day. Reapplied, resulting in pain disappearing in 20 minutes. Decided to look up Theraworx review resulting in this testimony.
Length of Use: Less than 3 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
No “pros” were specified in this review
Never heard of them
Posted on Nov 19, 2019
Side effects
After using the product for several weeks, it seems to be addictive. What I mean is that if you try to quit, the cramps return and are much worse. Also, the cramps sometimes come back but in a different place in the muscle like where they are attached. Might have to consult my doctor.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Nov 12, 2019
Started with excruciating leg cramps all of the sudden. Woke me up at night. Had to get out of bed and stand up and stretch. Interrupted my sleep a few times a night. I was in agony! The doctor told me to drink more water, take calcium and magnesium which I was already taking, stretch, etc. A friend told me about the ad on TV for Theraworx. I found it at Walmart and used it right away. Didn't help right away, took about a week of rubbing it on and finally, a decent night's sleep. Let's hope it keeps up!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Oct 28, 2019
Doesn’t work with artificial replacements.
Excruciating pain using on my artificial knee. Works great with my regular knee. Perhaps doesn’t work with artificial joints. Would not recommend using on areas of artificial appliances.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Sep 30, 2019
Wife apparently allergic to Aloe Vera oil
Your product sounds great and I think would benefit most people but it appears that my wife is allergic to Aloe Vera oil. She experiences severe pain anyplace that the product touches on her skin. Sorry, we will be unable to use this product further.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Sep 30, 2019
Surprising results
I do not really suffer from leg cramps on a large scale, I do, however, suffer greatly from muscle pain in my right leg. I've tried Icy Hot, Bio Freeze, Blue Emu, and Topricin to name a few topicals. I also paid big money for CBD Oil, both topical and under the tongue. No help from any of them. My wife does have leg cramps and did try Theraworkx with some success. On a whim, I tried her foam and the stuff worked much to my surprise and joy. It knocked down the pain to almost zero during sleep time, and to bearable during daily activity.
The packaging is lousy and tends to leak, especially the liquid, the Foam is a much better delivery system.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Sep 9, 2019
Sciatic pain and cramps greatly helped.
Pain meds for sciatic pain in lower back, hips and leg were unable to stop the cramps that drove the onset of severe pain. Theraworx works. Literally applied it works. Use the spray liquid that both my wife and I find a wonderful relief for cramps. We heard about it from a our friends who were also helped. Small back and deep hip pain may require liberal applications several times. Hope the spray remains available. Wish there was a price break or coupon. It works and that is the bottom line.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Jul 18, 2019
Theraworx Relief
Theraworx Relief is the best product out there that I have found that actually works for leg cramps. It starts working immediately when applied to the skin area of a severe muscle cramp. I've never used a product that worked so fast and so efficiently. I started out using Theraworx Relief to stop the pain of active leg cramps and I have recently started using it at bedtime to prevent being wakened by painful leg and foot cramps overnight. This is an excellent product. I can't say enough good about it.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
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