15 of us all bought this Theradome helmet around the same time and we all have great results and my hairdresser noticed a big difference. I always had a receding hairline in the front corner on each side of my forehead even when I was a teenager. My hairline is fully grown in. I swear I never had that look so good until I started using this helmet 3 years ago.
If you want a firm body you must lift weight consistently. If you want to lose weight you must watch what you eat consistently.
We use our helmet on damp hair twice a week and 8 hours after I get my hair done (colored). I always charge my helmet right away so it is always ready to go.
So two in my group (of friends) only use their helmet a couple of times a month with various excuses and that’s why their results are not as good. Consistency is absolutely everything!
Length of Use: 2+ years
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend