SkinnyFit Detox Tea
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SkinnyFit Detox Tea allegedly provides a variety of detoxification benefits. Although mostly safe, long term use is not effective.
- The majority of the ingredients are natural
- Many of the claims regarding the ingredients do not match the best available research
- Goji berry and anticoagulants can produce harmful drug interactions
SkinnyFit Detox Tea Reviews - Is It Safe & Effective?
Table of Contents |
What Is SkinnyFit Detox Tea?
SkinnyFit alleges that their detox tea will aid in promoting weight loss and boosting metabolism that utilizes natural ingredients.
According to the website, one teabag steeped in 8oz. of hot water can be consumed once or twice daily will purportedly:
- Increase energy
- Burn fat
- Helps to reduce bloating
- Release toxins
- Reduce stress
- Boost immunity
SkinnyFit alleges that their blend of 13 metabolism-boosting superfood ingredients are responsible for the proposed benefits and contains no laxatives.
This article will focus on research backing the claims of the ingredients present in this tea by reviewing the available research, if any, to see if they support the actions of the SkinnyFit Detox tea.
Active Ingredients
The blend of ingredients that are offered in the SkinnyFit Detox tea contain a variety of natural superfoods that are intended to boost your metabolism, support weight loss, and reduce bloating.
To provide you with a clear understanding regarding the benefits of this dietary supplement, we’ll breakdown each of the 13 ingredients and highlight some existing research.
According to the Nutrition Facts Label, every serving of SkinnyFit Detox Tea includes the following ingredients:
Oolong tea
Oolong tea contains polyphenols. Polyphenols are naturally occurring micronutrient compounds that are found in plants and offer high amounts of antioxidants. A study offered that consuming oolong tea could offer protection against obesity-related metabolic disorders.
Oolong tea was also administered in a clinical trial and was found to significantly decrease body weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and fat.
Consumption of tea, in general, is considered safe. Severe adverse effects of tea consumption are rare.
Hibiscus is commonly found in tea and is used primarily for its antioxidant benefits.
In a double-blinded randomized controlled study, there was a decrease in LDL and triglycerides levels but were strongly associated with participants' levels of physical activity and dietary protocol. Hibiscus, even at a dose of 1 gm/day of hibiscus leaf did not appear to lower blood lipid levels.
Hibiscus appears to have a stronger influence in studies that reduce body weight in subjects that were overweight.
Nettle Leaf
SkinnyFit identifies Nettle leaf as an immune-boosting ingredient and serves as an anti-inflammatory.
A randomized study of 27 patients with osteoarthritic pain located at the thumb or index finger were treated for one week by administering nettle leaf to the area for 12-weeks.
The study found that after one week of treatment with nettle leaf, there were decreases in pain rating scales when compared to the placebo.
A study was done to examine the use of 11 herbs to treat rheumatic disease. The max daily used in the study in rats was 30 mg.
Dandelion Leaf
The dandelion ingredient is listed to relieve gas and bloating and to reduce fat levels.
Research and evidence are lacking regarding the utilization and recommended dosage of dandelion leaf to relieve bloating and gas.
Apples contain a high source of vitamin C. Further, vitamin C is an antioxidant that serves to rid the body of free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress. Vitamin C may also to play a role in supporting immune function.
Studies show that approximately 60 mg of vitamin C was able to increase white blood cell count to help fight off infections.
Goji Berry
The Goji Berry ingredient is classified as a super fruit to promote weight loss and increase circulation.
Scientific evidence is lacking to back the claims linking this particular ingredient to aid in weight loss and improving circulation.
A review of goji berry and warfarin (or any anticoagulant) is contraindicated based on the premise of harmful herb-drug interactions.
The ingredient blend of lemongrass is claimed to soothe bloating, constipation, and promote healthy digestion.
Lemongrass oil is known as a phytochemical that is found in herbal plants.
A study found that when 2mg of lemongrass oil along with citral was supplemented, there was an associated improvement of GI motility.
However, further research is required to determine appropriate dosages of greater than 2 mg to improve healthy digestion in humans.
Yerba Mate
The claim for this ingredient is to help increase energy levels and improve mental focus.
A systematic review reports the adverse risks of herbal supplements for bodyweight reduction, except for yerba mate which requires further investigation.
Milk Thistle
The ingredient allegedly helps maintain liver health and protects it from the effects of toxins.
Milk thistle is an herbal compound and its active ingredient, silybin is thought to offer protection to substances that are toxic to the liver.
A Systematic review and meta-analysis show milk thistle to be safe but found no improvements in liver health or biochemical markers of liver function in patients with chronic liver disease.
Guarana is an ingredient that allegedly gives your body energy and helps promote weight loss.
The guarana seed is a well-known stimulant.
A 2019 review of guarana seed as a dietary supplement is recognized as a generally safe dietary ingredient without any serious health risks as long as the user follows the guidelines for safe caffeine use.
Guarana was more effective when combined with a diet that was rich in whole foods, omega-3’s, fruits, and vegetables to improve cancer-related fatigue in patients with breast cancer.
Ginseng is traditionally used in Chinese medicine with numerous benefits that include blood sugar reduction and stress, immune support, and improved concentration.
Research evaluated 8 studies to determine the effectiveness of ginseng induced improvement in glucose control and insulin sensitivity patients with type 2 diabetes. The present results have established the benefit of ginseng supplementation to control blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.
Lack of available randomized control studies in humans prevents from supporting the claims regarding the role of ginseng to enhance concentration levels.
Matcha Green Tea
Matcha Green Tea is intended to increase calorie burning power to lose weight and reduce skin inflammation
Matcha green tea powder contains catechins and caffeine. This study was performed to examine the effect of Matcha green tea on the metabolic, physiologic, and perceived intensity response during walking in 13 females. The findings from the study show that Matcha green tea improves fat burning in combination with exercise.
Stevia leaf
Stevia Lead is a zero-calorie weight management supplement without energy spikes and crashes.
Stevia is known as a natural sweetener that is used as another option to reduce sugar and reduced energy foods and drinks.
So far, only short-term studies have found significant reductions of both energy intakes and body weight, with an estimated rate of weight loss at 0.2 kg/wk.
The Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) is defined as the amount of substance that people can consume in food or drinks daily without any risk of health. of stevia of 4 mg/kg body weight per day.
Safety and Side Effects
While a majority of these ingredients have been safely studied individually, the goji berry ingredient can be harmful in cases in which you are currently on anticoagulants. Therefore, consult with a physician before use and never consume goji berry in ways other than how it's instructed.
A review of 372 studies overall provides no conclusive evidence for beneficial and harmful effects from nonnutritive sweeteners. In the United States, stevia leaf extracts are considered GRAS (generally recognized as safe) from the US Food and Drug Administration.
The Bottom Line
SkinnyFit Detox Tea contains a variety of ingredients in each serving. While a majority of the ingredients are supported by science for safety and effectiveness, SkinnyFit Detox does not provide individual quantities of its ingredients.
SkinnyFit Detox tea contains goji berry, an ingredient that can be harmful if you are taking anticoagulants. It is best to just take as directed.
However, based on the reviews on, 76% of its users rate SkinnyFit Detox tea at 5 stars. Those that are satisfied with the product have mainly reported less bloating.
SkinnyFit Detox Tea does provide the convenience of ease in the consumption of all ingredients. A majority of the ingredients contained in SkinnyFit Detox Tea can also be obtained in a well-balanced diet of fruits and vegetables.
If you are planning to lose weight or start to notice a drop in energy levels, it is recommended to include a medical professional to ensure safety regarding use.
Customer Reviews
Posted on Jul 1, 2019
It works!
I have been using SkinnyFit Detox Tea (daytime only) for two months. I had been dieting using 1200 calorie diet and water only. I work full time so have not really been exercising as much as I should. I lost 7 pounds before the tea, since being on the tea I have lost a total of 14 with 6 pounds to go to meet my goal. This is not an overnight loss nor is it magic tea. I will say that it has helped my dieting as far as numbers on the scale but even more of a help with inches. It does help with bloating and energy but as the company states healthy eating is a key to it working. Thank you for this product. Is it pricey, yes, but so are many diet programs. A few of my fellow employees have started the tea and love it as well.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Jul 1, 2019
Hi Cheryl!
We truly love this feedback! We understand that this journey is tough at times and plateaus are hit, so we are glad to know that SkinnyFit Detox is right there with you helping you reach your goals!
Thank you again for sharing this wonderful feedback, and thank you for adding SkinnyFit to your daily routine!
Customer Solutions Manager
Posted on Apr 13, 2019
Wait for it...
Doesn’t seem to do anything. Don’t think that you will lose weight or inches because you won’t. Even combined with their ZZZTOX nightly tea, yep, nothing. I just have not seen anything the product claims to do, sorry.
I don’t think I’m drinking it wrong; it’s pretty straight forward.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
May 30, 2019
Hi Maria,
Thank you for your feedback.
We are truly sorry to hear that you have not seen the results you expected, but we greatly appreciate you giving SkinnyFit a try. As with all health supplements, individuals results may vary and some results take a bit more time to appear than others. Sometimes it is based on your diet and exercise too.
As always, we have our blog with great tips and tricks to help maximize results and most customers seem to find it helpful. It is free to access and can be found here:
Customer satisfaction is our number one priority, so if you are not 100% satisfied with your order, we would be more than happy to help you with finding another product that suits you a little better and we can also chat about our generous 90 day money back guarantee for the product you were not satisfied with. We will reach out to you shortly, but in case we miss you, you can reach us at 1-888-862-1758 and
Thank you again for trying SkinnyFit, and we look forward to assisting you.
Customer Solutions Manager
Posted on Feb 27, 2019
I ordered SkinnyFit from the site. It said "one-time trial." It was about $25 for the detox and bedtime tea. When I checked my credit card statements the next month, they charged me $99. When I called, I was told that I had to send back the unused tea to get my entire refund back ($99). Remind you, I paid $26 for the promotion they were having. Because I didn't want to go through the hassle of sending it back they only refunded me $49 of the extra $99 charges to my card. I am very disappointed! The tea was actually ok, but not for $99!
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Feb 28, 2019
Hi Karla!
Thank you so much for your honest feedback and we do sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding.
The way our trials work is you are given a full month supply of the product of your choice for an 18-day trial period. This trial period is meant to allow you to try the product and see how it works for you without committing to the retail price of the products just yet. After your trial ends, on the 18th day, you are billed for the product(s) in hand as they are a full-month supply of the product and because we assume that you are loving your product and have decided to continue using it. We do make sure to list these trial terms on our check out page, as well, to ensure our customers know what to expect and to make sure there is no confusion when purchasing.
During your trial period you are more than welcome to reach out to us and customize your trial, extend it, or cancel it altogether. In fact, we encourage our customers to keep us posted and let us know how they are liking their products. We try to be as generous as possible with our trials since we know not every person sees the same results with each product and that everyone’s body is different.
Additionally, we have a great 90 day return policy. If for any reason you are unsatisfied we have the option to return your product for a refund.
Again, we sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding. We do our best to help each and every one of our lovely customers as we know everyone’s health journey is different and not everyone sees the results they intend to. As always, we value your experience and only want to deliver the highest degree of service to you. If there is anything we can do for you at this time, please let us know and we would be more than happy to help! We will also follow up via email to ensure that you are as satisfied as possible.
We thank you for giving SkinnyFit a try and look forward to assisting you in the future.
Customer Success
Posted on Jan 17, 2019
My experience
I have to tell you I loved this tea. The flavor and the energy I got from it...until I became terribly ill and was rushed to the hospital. They called my problem initially Diverticulitis, then saw extreme intestinal inflammation and irritation. I was on medication for a week and wasn’t able to eat solids for two weeks. For some reason, my daughter decided to take it and right now as we speak (or write), we are on the way to the hospital to see her. She’s 200 miles from home in school. I’m a mess. So I not only don’t recommend it, I urge you to take it off the shelf.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Jan 18, 2019
Hi Corinne,
We are glad that we were able to talk to you and learn more about the situation. We are looking into this and we will follow up via email for any updates. Please let us know if you have any other questions we can answer.
Customer Solutions Manager
Posted on Dec 7, 2018
Not for me
I signed up for SkinnyFit, I receive the product, but didn't work for me, so I canceled and returned the product. They kept my money of $119.90. I disputed the charge through my bank, but they lied to them, telling them that I never cancel the account. So my bank paid them money back. After that, I call them asking for my money and they told me to email the letter from my bank showing that the dispute was canceled, and I did that.
I call them today (12/5/2018). Now they don't want to refund my money. This company stole my money. I return the product on August 30th and I dispute the charge September 10th. One of the managers was telling me today that I disputed this charge on August 28th, so I put them in a three-way with my bank and my bank tells them that I disputed the charge on September 10th. These people lied to much. My advice to you people, be very careful with this company.
I don't have my order number but have this email:
Danielle P (SkinnyFit)
Nov 28, 17:38 PST
Hi Judith,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
I did attempt to refund you, as I see the dispute is now closed, but I was not quite able to:
11/28/2018 08:31pm By CRM - Refund Failed by Payment Gateway (PayPal Refund Transaction with an Open Case Not Allowed)
I do want to assure you that we are going to refund your $119.90, but there may be a slight delay in doing so.
I will work with my supervisor to ensure we can refund you in a timely manner, even if it means sending a money order.
We will remain in contact and I look forward to getting you the refund as soon as possible.
Danielle P
Customer Support
Office: 1-888-862-1758
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Dec 11, 2018
Hi Judith,
Thank you for contacting us and bringing this to our attention. I am happy that were able to get on the phone to clear up any confusion. Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us, so we thank you for your patience and working with us on the best solution!
We were able to successfully refund you via PayPal, and that transaction should show in your account in the next one to two business days. If you have any other questions or if we can help in any way please feel free to reach out to us directly, we are always happy to help!
Thank you,
Customer Success
Posted on Nov 13, 2018
Yummy tea
The ZzzTox tea tastes delicious, however, I didn't buy it, my mom found a brand new unopened bag at her motel job, and I was shocked to know it was so expensive. If I had known, I would've left it sealed and sold it for cheaper. However, it tastes really good and I wanna lose around 10 pounds, and I hope it works out!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Dec 11, 2018
Hi Adela!
Thank you so much for your feedback! Glad that you and your Mom are enjoying the find. Here is a link to our blog with various tips and tricks on how to obtain the best results,
Customer Success
Posted on Oct 9, 2018
Yay! No laxatives!
I have been on SkinnyFit for a couple of months now and really enjoy it.
I've tried quite a few different brands - most of them cheaper, to be honest. But I don't like that they all contained laxatives. At first, I thought it was great and that's just how detoxes work until I started to read it, it's actually pretty bad to constantly have that in your system.
I still wanted something to help my diet during the summer though. I can't say for sure it's helped me shed extra pounds, but I was really surprised how much it helped with my daily bloating. I honestly didn't even realize it was an issue until it started to go away with this detox. I'll keep on SkinnyFit for a bit longer because of that reason, and I really like the taste (I'm an avid tea drinker).
Just keep in's a little pricey (cheaper if you subscribe though), but worth it for me!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Jan 10, 2019
Hi Jean!
We're so happy to hear that you have seen such great results with SkinnyFit. We pride ourselves on only using all natural ingredients in our Detox tea, and that does include staying away from laxatives!
Enjoy the rest of your Detox!
Customer Solutions Manager
Posted on Sep 24, 2018
Bad for migraines or headaches
I thought this was inoffensive for me since it claims it's all natural ingredients, but I have migraines, and this tea made them WORST! It has something in it, that gave me three horrible migraine days, I had to take really strong medication because of it, so, it is NOT RECOMMENDED for people with headaches or migraines. Be aware!
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Jan 11, 2019
Hi Emily,
We are so sorry to hear that you were having trouble with your Detox tea. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority here at SkinnyFit. This is why we happily offer a 90-day money back guarantee.
We wouldn't want you to have a product that you cannot take, so feel free to reach out to us at 1-888-862-1758. Our telephone support is available 24/7.
We look forward to speaking with you and we can't wait to help you out with your refund.
Customer Solutions Manager
Posted on Sep 22, 2018
Great product
I purchased my first bag of tea from Amazon mid-July. I am on my second bag now, and it's 9/21/18. I have lost to date approximately 10-15 lbs. I haven't been working work schedule sucks. I have been drinking veggie/fruit smoothies, drinking tons of water, and cutting back on red meat, breads, carbs, etc. I had already changed my diet since April of this year. So I'm sure some of my weight loss is attributed to my diet change, but overall I'm happy with my results.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Jan 10, 2019
Hi Tanya!
We love that SkinnyFit is a part of your health journey! We understand that this journey is tough at times, so we are happy to hear that our Detox tea is right there with you!
Customer Solutions Manager
Posted on Aug 29, 2018
Pricey, but so worth it!
I bought this over a month ago, with some feeling of another product promising empty results. I am 47 and not overweight but really want to drop 10 pounds to feel slim again. In four and a half weeks. Having hot tea in the morning and cold after lunch, I’ve lost 5 lbs and one inch off my waist! That’s with weighing myself every morning if that makes a difference.
I’d say the most noticeable things are that my bloating is a bit better, and I'm feeling more energy and less food cravings right after I started. Less cravings might be from drinking more water and tea though. I bought another month's worth. I have also been on a 1660 calorie/day diet with lots of healthy veggies. I’m convinced this tea, plus the diet is helping me achieve the results thus far.
A big bonus is that when I first started the tea, I honestly had no idea the best way to take it. I called their customer service, and it must be a question they get a lot because they’re the ones who told me that it’s good both hot and cold! I like to know I can get answers to questions from nice people!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Jan 10, 2019
Hi Colleen!
We love hearing that you enjoy your tea hot and cold! Have you tried SkinnyFit with fresh fruit, yet? I think you'll love it! We also have delicious recipes on our blog page. We update it weekly, so don't forget to check in every once in awhile!
Customer Solutions Manager
Posted on Jul 30, 2018
Hasn't worked
I have been drinking SkinnyFit for two months now with no results. I have also been drinking the Zzztox at night with no results.
I watch what I eat, exercise five days a week and have seen no results. So I would not recommend this to anyone who is looking to lose weight. I have lost nothing. So please let me know where I can send the empty bags to get my money refunded.
Thank you for your quick response to this message.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Company Response from SkinnyFit
Jan 11, 2019
Hi Corinne,
We take customer feedback very seriously here at SkinnyFit, so we are so sorry to hear that you were not happy with your results.
We see that we were able to reach out to you via email, in which we sent you instructions on how to return your orders for a full refund.
If you have any questions or concerns about the return, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Once again, we truly appreciate you giving SkinnyFit a try.
Customer Solutions Manager
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