While the product is actually a really fantastic litter of a very high quality, I had a pretty bad experience that makes it hard to trust them with my credit card details.
I set my account to bill every other month, yet I kept getting hit every month. Each time I got it, I would log in to be absolutely positively sure that it was set to only happen every other month, yet it kept happening every month.
My first contact with customer support on this issue was not pleasant at all. The rep argued with me and didn't offer to do anything to solve the problem. They also tried to tell me that my credit card information was no longer on file, even though I can plainly see that the information is still there by logging into my account.
However, after I contacted different representatives, they eventually did end up reimbursing a significant portion of the erroneous orders, while letting me keep the product. At the end of the day, I am made more than whole, but it was still a frustrating experience. It would've been best if they never had the billing errors to begin with, but the first contact with support was the thing that really got to me.
I will probably go back when I run out of all this litter. Ultimately, it is really good litter. And they did make it right.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend