Seriously. If you have a cat, you need this litter. It gives you indicators if your cat is having problems with their urinary tract or kidneys. It is non-clumping, so it's a MILLION times easier to clean (it seriously takes like 2 minutes compared to the 10 or more with stupid clumping litter).
It doesn't hurt your cat if they eat it because let's face it, kittens can be kind of dumb when they're young, and older cats clean the litter out/off their paws and essentially ingest it.
It's low dust so you don't have to worry about damaging your lungs with clay dust (which is stupid dangerous by the way, like seriously), and even if you do inhale anything it just dissolves and you'll be totally fine.
I don't have to remember to go to the store for litter every month. It has helped us monitor our two kittens health and get them to the vet when they've needed it, and we've only had them two months.
If you care about your cat, get this litter. I swear by it, and that will not change. I would pay even more than what they charge for this because it is such a wonderful product. It's well worth the piece of mind knowing your cat is happy AND healthy.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend