Performix SST

Performix SST Is a dietary supplement that allegedly boosts your energy and kickstarts your metabolism. Learn how and if it works here.
Performix SST Review - Is It Effective?
What is Performix SST?
Performix SST is a thermogenic dietary supplement that is purported to increase energy, mental sharpness, and metabolism.
Thermogenesis involves the production of heat in your body. This effect is thought to raise your metabolism and allow you to burn more calories.
While you can experience the benefit of thermogenesis through diet and exercise, companies like Performix offer thermogenic supplements that are intended to provide similar effects.
By taking 2 capsules in the morning each day, Performix states that SST will offer the following:
- Increased total body energy
- Increased resting metabolic rate
- Increased fat burning
- Increased alertness and mental focus
They claim these effects are due to the “Ballistic Beadlets” that are loaded with their blend of unique ingredients.
These tiny pods are packed into every capsule and allow for “Intelligent Dosing Technology” that ensures delivery of the ingredients over multiple phases.
In this article, we’ll help you answer this question by reviewing the available literature for SST’s active ingredients.
The Performix SST Active Ingredients
Like other thermogenic dietary supplements, Performix claims that SST’s blend of ingredients will give your metabolism the boost it needs.
While the active ingredients are thought to be the 2 blends offered in each capsule, SST also contains B vitamins.
In this section, we’ll highlight the scientific support for the active ingredients, but first, we’ll touch on the potential role of the vitamin content.
Niacin (as Nicotinic Acid) - 12mg and Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) - 1,000mcg
B Vitamins are obtained naturally from food products like meat, seeds, and nuts.
They may offer a wide array of health benefits such as support for brain and nerve health, red blood cell function, energy metabolism, and weight loss.
Niacin, or vitamin B3, can be associated with fatigue if your levels are too low. It may also offer protection from neurologic conditions like dementia.
Vitamin B12 deficiency has similarly been linked with fatigue. Increasing your levels with a supplement may boost energy, though if your intake is already adequate, you may not see a benefit.
Next, let’s get into the active ingredients that are responsible for the proposed benefits offered by SST.
Performix Suspension Super Thermo Complex - 1,170mg
Performix SST offers 2 blends that are thought to offer energy, metabolism, and alertness-boosting actions.
Caffeine Anhydrous (200mg)
Caffeine anhydrous is a stimulant that is essentially a highly concentrated form of caffeine. 1tsp, or 5000mg, is equivalent to roughly 28 cups of coffee.
Caffeine has been well studied for its proposed metabolism-boosting effects.
Caffeine given to healthy subjects at 3 mg/kg before physical activity resulted in more fat burning when compared to caffeine-free regimens. Doses at 3-6mg/kg body weight may also enhance performance in endurance exercise.
In a head to head comparison in fit adults, 4.45 mg/kg doses of caffeine anhydrous were proven to be superior to caffeine; those that had the concentrated form experienced significant increases in their running time to exhaustion.
Sensoril® Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is an herb native to India that may help to improve memory, boost immunity, and work as an antioxidant.
In a randomized study, those that consumed 600mg of ashwagandha improved attention, information processing speed, and memory.
Theacrine (as Teacrine®)
Theacrine is structurally similar to caffeine and comes from the leaves of the Camellia Kucha plant.
A recent study found that 150mg of theacrine did not result in a statistically significant improvement in mental function, though subjects did note personal energy and mood benefits.
Mucuna pruriens extract (seed)
This legume is native to India and China. It has been used in natural medicine for centuries and may offer neuroprotection in addition to other actions.
As it contains a precursor to dopamine, a chemical messenger that works in the brain, it may offer benefits to those with Parkinson’s disease.
Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Powder
The active ingredient in Performix SST is capsaicin - this compound may offer a number of health benefits related to increasing your metabolism.
While this effect may be possible, cayenne seems to offer only mild benefits in this regard.
In a randomized trial, 1g of cayenne burned an extra 10 calories over 4.5 hours.
These results were later confirmed in a review; capsaicin at high doses boosted energy expenditure and fat burning, though only to a minor degree.
Yohimbine HCI
This ingredient is obtained from the bark of African evergreens.
In obese women on a calorie-restricted diet, those that consumed 20mg of yohimbine lost more weight. These effects were not confirmed in men; 43mg daily over 6-months had no effects
Huperzine A (Huperzia serrata) extract (aerial parts)
Another Chinese herb extract, huperzine may be a cognitive enhancer similar to some of the other ingredients described here.
In a review of 20 randomized studies, huperzine at doses ranging from 0.2 to 0.8mg daily were effective in improving cognitive function and ability to perform daily living activities.
BioPerine®Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) extract (fruit)
Another spice popular in cuisine and supplements, it is thought to offer metabolism-boosting benefits.
In overweight individuals randomized to treatment with 6mg of black pepper daily, supplementation reduced both BMI and body fat.
Diffusion Carrier Oil
Though Performix SST includes safflower and ginger, the star of this blend is thought to be Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) extract
Safflower extract is obtained from the seed of the brightly colored Carthamus tinctorius plant. Not extensively studied, it may offer a wide variety of benefits related to numbness and paralysis of skin and muscles. More research is needed.
Ginger (Zingiber ocinalis) CO2 Supercritical Extract
Ginger may have anti-inflammatory effects, though energy metabolism and weight loss effects have not been well supported.
A review of 8 randomized trials concluded that 1600-4000mg of ginger did not affect fasting blood sugars, but it did improve sugar control over a 2-3 month span.
Another study did not find a benefit regarding energy metabolism; 10 overweight men that consumed 2g of ginger daily did not experience an impact on resting energy expenditure.
Medium Chain Triglycerides
MCTs differ from their long-chain (LCT) counterparts. They are smaller in structure, which allows for rapid transport to the liver where they can be used as an immediate energy source.
MCTs are more readily used for energy due to their size. In contrast, LCTs can be easily stored as fat. Consuming 15-30g of MCTs may increase energy expenditure and result in weight loss.
MCTs may also offer brain-boosting benefits.
Both high (17,000mg) and low (2,000mg) doses of MCT may improve memory and processing speed in those with Alzheimer’s disease. The impact on healthy individuals is unclear; more research is needed to describe the potential benefits in this regard.
Does Performix SST Have Side Effects?
Most of the ingredients included in Performix SST have been well-tolerated in the available research.
It is a stimulant containing supplement, however, so use with caution.
The source of caffeine in this product is caffeine anhydrous, a highly concentrated form of the stimulant. Thus, you may react differently than is typical with natural forms of caffeine.
SST contains 200mg of caffeine anhydrous. 1tsp or 5000mg is equivalent to roughly 28 cups of coffee. While 400mg of caffeine daily is considered to be safe, consuming Performix SST in addition to your typical coffee, soda, or tea habits can put you at an unsafe range.
For those with heart conditions, stimulant-containing supplements can be especially dangerous if you have a history of heart conditions.
Signs that you’ve consumed too much caffeine can include restlessness, nausea, agitation, rapid heart rate, and elevated blood pressure. According to the FDA, the rapid consumption of 1,200mg of caffeine can result in seizures.
Additionally, the FDA warns against products that use highly concentrated forms of caffeine as they have been linked to at least 2 deaths.
For these reasons, it is imperative to ask a physician about using this product and to never consume Performix SST in ways other than those recommended.
Where Can I Get Performix SST and How Much Does it Cost?
Performix SST is available from a few retailers, both in-store and online.
As the directions suggest taking 2 capsules daily, a 60ct bottle will last you 1-month. Check out the table below for cost comparisons.
Vendor | Price | Shipping | In-Store? |
Performix | $49.99 (60ct) | Free | No |
Amazon | $49.99 (60ct) | Free with Prime | No |
GNC | $49.99 (60ct) | Free | Yes |
Rite Aid | $22.99 (40ct) | Free with $35 | Yes |
On the company's website, Performix SST sells in 60ct bottles, and you won’t save by purchasing more. They do offer a subscription option, however. You can save 10% by opting in. You can determine the frequency of delivery and cancel any time.
Performix SST comes with a full refund within 30 days of purchase, minus shipping charges. However, you must return the supplement in its original packaging and untouched.
Keep in mind that this is not a guarantee. Thus, your package must be returned unopened. You might not be eligible for a refund if you purchased Performix SST from an unauthorized seller. Check out authorized sellers here.
Available Alternatives
There are a number of thermogenic products on the market that offer similar ingredients when compared to SST.
Trans4orm from Evlution Nutrition offers a 2-month supply of their blend at $29.99 or 2 for $40 at Like SST, each capsule contains a blend of B vitamins, many similar extracts, and caffeine.
Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite from Muscletech is another stimulant containing thermogenic supplements. It offers multiple forms of caffeine, Yohimbe, and more. GNC is currently offering this product at $34.99 for a 25 day supply.
Also, don’t underestimate the impact diet and physical activity can have on your metabolism. Incorporating these lifestyle changes is a better first step.
The Bottom Line
Performix SST is a thermogenic dietary supplement that includes ingredients that have some scientific support for increasing energy, metabolism, and alertness.
At GNC, users rated Performix SST 3.7/5 stars based on 102 reviews. The less than stellar rating is mainly due to a lack of results or side effects that included night sweats, severe diarrhea, and headaches.
Speaking of side effects, proceed with caution if considering this, or other stimulant-containing supplements.
Performix SST offers a concentrated form of caffeine that can be dangerous with certain medical conditions or when not used as directed.
Opt for the thermogenic benefits of diet and exercise as a first step. There are also non-stimulant thermogenic supplements available.
If you’re still interested in Performix SST or similar products, always consult your doctor before use.
Customer Reviews
Posted on May 6, 2019
Amazing focus!
My dad starting taking SST (and loves it), and when I was in nursing school and he had me try one when I was trying to study for an exam, the focus was amazing. I've been a nurse for a couple of years now, and coworkers are always commenting on my ADD behavior. I figured I would try SST to see if it helped this behavior. To sum it up: SST works like Adderall for me. I am much more productive, I still have a ton of energy, and my coworkers have verbalized their appreciation of the focus that I now demonstrate when I take SST.
I am not taking SST for weight loss - but if it happens, great. I am regularly active and have a decent diet, so we will see.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Jul 7, 2017
Amazed at the results
I have tried just about all the over-the-counter "wonder drugs" on the market and never had good results. I am blown away by what SST has brought to my body and am looking forward to losing 70 pounds, having lost 12 in the first two weeks. Amazing product and I am a 55-year-old disabled vet with PTSD and crappy attitude. Try it.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Jun 12, 2017
First time trying Performix
I started taking this June 3rd, and it's now June 7th, and I lost two pounds so far. It does give me more energy. I haven't worked out while taking this yet, also I only take one pill a day since I get migraines. I do get the jitters and upset stomach. So far to me, it's like Adderall. I will be working out with this product soon, but I'm happy with it so far. Also, I feel like it got rid of some of my stomach bloating.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Mar 17, 2017
Has benefits for focus and energy, weight loss is still effort based.
I began taking this when the menopausal weight started showing up (I was 42). My energy was very low, and I just wanted to fit into my beloved wardrobe. I was also without health insurance and have mild ADD.
I have taken this product for three years now, and have not lost a pound or an inch. My clothes still sit in the closet.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Feb 3, 2017
Be careful
Today is my first day taking this pill, and I was instructed to take two pills with a protein shake by the girl at GNC every morning. When I first took the pill my anxiety level went skyrocket, and I felt super dizzy, but I must admit I had a lot of energy. I called GNC, and another representative told me to only take one pill until my body is used to it.
This pill did not curve my appetite whatsoever, but I was able to do a lot at the gym. I had terrible stomach pains and felt like vomiting a couple of times throughout the day.
When it's time to sleep, which is my favorite thing in the world to do, I can't! This is upsetting, and I will be returning this product and searching for something that better suits my body.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Jul 18, 2016
Works great!
I have been taking Performix SST for over a year now. When I started on it my metabolism was stalled. By following the instructions and eating healthier while taking it along with working out, I have dropped a ton of weight. My metabolism has been restarted and is in full swing like I'm 20 again. It did what it was supposed to do as advertised.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on May 29, 2016
Works Great!
I have lost 6 pounds, have great energy and that's on two pills at three times a week in the morning before I work out.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Apr 29, 2016
I've been taking these pills for a little over a week and I have already lost four pounds without exercising, and it decreases my appetite. So I am never hungry and when I am, I lose my appetite which is good for me because I eat a lot.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Apr 21, 2016
Skinny girl!
I love it. I have been taking this product on and off for about two months now and have lost 26 pounds.Woohoo! I've been trying to lose weight for 5 years now and finally have. This gives me energy and takes away my hunger.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Feb 24, 2016
Huge energy boost
I experienced all the phases, I got a little shakey for a little and then after about four hours of taking it, I got an energy boost and was very focused. I was playing basketball and I was totally in the moment. I'm usually not very good at basketball but I was on fire this time, it was insane.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Jan 22, 2016
Over priced for no results.
Have taken the powder formula combined with Sparks powder mix, plus a SST pill, and 32 oz cup of strong instant Folgers coffee, plus a second pill at lunch time with another Sparks powder mix drink. Never felt any "energy" as was told at GNC Store - "big burst, wanting to just run." Did take the hunger away.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
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