I can't say enough good things about the bike. It's ready to ride whenever I want. I don't have to drive anywhere. I don't have to plan around a scheduled class. I don't even have to see anyone in person while I ride.
The convenience factor is probably the biggest selling point for most people (myself and my wife included). Most people complain about the cost. But, if you look closer at the cost, it's actually significantly cheaper than going to a high-end spin class or even a mid-range spin class, particularly considering my wife was spending a small fortune on spin classes (and complaining that she could never fit in the perfect time for a class).
The bike costs about $2,500 all in with delivery. The monthly is $40 for as many riders as you want (so the $40 covers me and my wife). If you take it out over 3 years, that comes to about $4,000 total. Divide that by 36 months (that doesn't even account for the free months you can get for referrals or prepaying), and it comes to about $110/month (or $55/month per person if 2 people are using the bike).
Soulcycle charges like $35 per class. The mid-range spin places charge at least $20/class. So, if your comparison is other spin options, the bike is actually very reasonably priced.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend