Nugenix Total-T

Nugenix Total T is a supplement that promises enhanced muscle, energy, and libido by boosting your testosterone with their blend of ingredients.
Nugenix Total T Review: Does it Boost Your Testosterone?
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Nugenix Total T is an over the counter supplement that claims to safely boost your testosterone for better results in the gym, and in the bedroom.
Testosterone can enhance lean muscle mass, bone density, heart health, carbohydrate metabolism, mood, and sexual health.
Much more than a key player in sexual health, testosterone deficiency may be associated with increased risk for obesity, elevated cholesterol, and diabetes.
Even healthy individuals experience a decline that begins around the age of 40, though disease and other health related issues can speed this process.
As this hormone wears so many hats, methods for managing deficiency is a hot topic.
In this review, we will determine if there is any validity to these claims by covering the safety, efficacy, and intended target for Nugenix Total T.
What Is Nugenix Total T?
Age-related testosterone decline is common, though Nugenix doesn’t believe it has to be.
Nugenix Total T is a testosterone boosting supplement that blends 8 ingredients in capsule form. Recommended for daily use, a single bottle consists of 30, 3-capsule servings to get you through the month.
While most testosterone is found in circulation bound to other proteins, it is free testosterone that is thought to be largely responsible for its many benefits. Nugenix Total T claims to boost both total and free testosterone through the collaborative actions of their ingredients (more on this below).
According to Nugenix, adult men interested in increasing strength, energy and libido can expect:
- Increased energy production and exercise performance within 60 minutes
- Increased libido in about 3-weeks
- Increased testosterone levels, lean muscle, and strength in 6-12 weeks if coupled with resistance training.
Nugenix Total T Ingredients and Do They Work
The reported benefits of Nugenix Total T are mediated by the following ingredients:
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 2 mg
Vitamin B6 inhibited 5-alpha reductase activity, the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in a rat study.
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) 2.4 mcg
High doses (more than 750x Nugenix) in 26 infertile males resulted in improved sperm motility and sperm count, though testosterone was not increased.
Enhanced sperm quality was also seen later studies examining the effects of B12, even at doses half of what is found in Nugenix.
Zinc (as zinc chelate) 1 mg
Zinc is an essential mineral thought to limit the activity of 5-alpha reductase, preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT. The addition of Vitamin B6 is thought to enhance this effect.
Zinc deficiency was associated with a significant decrease in testosterone levels in healthy, young men, whereas as zinc supplementation boosted testosterone levels.
These findings were not supported in later studies - neither strength, nor testosterone, were increased with combined zinc and B6, or in doses of zinc 30x what is available in Nugenix.
L-Citrulline Malate (2:1) 1125 mg
This non-essential amino acid is thought to increase exercise performance and boost recovery, while also improving erection in those with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction (ED).
These effects may be related to L-Citruline’s ability to increase blood flow through enhanced nitric oxide formation.
Fenugreek Extract (seed)(50% Fenuside™)(Testofen®) 600 mg
This herb is thought to prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
At doses less than what is included in Nugenix, fenugreek significantly improved body fat composition and testosterone levels in 30 healthy men over the course of 8-weeks. Healthy men were treated with the same dosage found in Nugenix and reported significant improvements in libido.
elevATP® Blend [Ancient Peat Extract (trace minerals) and Apple Fruit Extract] 150 mg
ATP is the energy currency in your body. The blend of extracts in elevATP works to boost production of ATP.
At doses similar to what is included in a serving of Nugenix, supplementation with elevATP enhanced muscle hypertrophy, strength, and power output in 25 healthy, resistance-trained individuals over 12-weeks.
Eurycoma longifolia Extract (root) 100 mg
This flowering plant extract increased sexual performance in rodent studies. Regarding human studies, supplementation did not enhance athletic performance in healthy individuals.
These findings were contradicted when eurycoma longifolia enhanced body composition, as well as muscle size and strength.
Boron (as boron glycinate) 10mg
This trace mineral increased testosterone in both menopausal women and healthy males, in doses less than half of what is included in a single serving of Nugenix.
Key Takeaways
Zinc may work in conjunction with Vitamin B6 to reduce the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Earlier human laboratory and animal studies were promising, though current data from human studies is mixed. More long-term research is needed.
Research in human studies points towards B12 having a role in the enhancement of sperm quality.
There is some short-term evidence that L-Citrulline can improve erections in those with mild to moderate ED, though more long-term research is needed to fully understand its potential role.
Fenugreek is reported to boost testosterone by preventing its conversion to DHT. This mechanism of action seems to result in increased testosterone, as well as enhanced body fat composition and libido.
Research involving healthy humans is promising for elevATP®; it has been associated with increased muscular performance in healthy subjects.
Evidence supporting eurycoma longifolia’s ability to improve sexual and athletic performance is mixed. More long-term research is needed.
Boron may have testosterone boosting effects; there is literature to support this role, though it is scarce. More work is needed to clearly define the relationship between boron and testosterone.
Side Effects and Safety
Nugenix claims there are “no known side effects”, though still highlights the importance of seeking medical opinion prior to use. They also note that this supplement “contains no banned substances under the Controlled Substances Act”, though they recommend checking with governing bodies prior to use if training for competition.
Zinc was safe in doses of more than 30x that of Nugenix. The upper intake limit for adults is similarly well beyond the Nugenix dose. Side effects are generally related to digestive issues.
Exposure to levels of boron often more than double of what is included in Nugenix did not result in adverse effects in boric acid production plant workers. Toxicity, however, may involve nausea, vomiting, seizure or even death.
B vitamins are water soluble, therefore excess is easily removed in the urine. Toxicity is more likely in those taking supplements vs. those who are not. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and skin flushing.
Fenugreek is generally safe. Side effects can include mild gastrointestinal symptoms.
Research involving elevATP® and eurycoma longifolia has not demonstrated serious adverse effects, while the latter was safe even at doses 3x what is included in Nugenix.
Nugenix Total T Cost and Where to Buy
Order securely through their website for $69.99 per 1-month supply + $4.99 shipping. Nugenix offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, backed by a full refund.
GNC offers this product for $5 less with an extra 10% off and free shipping with auto-delivery. Additionally, they are running a buy 2, get 1 deal with free shipping on orders over $49.
The Bottom Line
While Nugenix Total T contains 8 ingredients that are generally safe, evidence for their ability to support effects related to boosting testosterone is mixed.
Of the ingredients, fenugreek and elevATP® offer the most promising support for their roles in increasing testosterone, reducing body fat, enhancing libido, and increasing muscular performance.
Reviews included on their site are largely positive. Users in their 40s, 50, and 60s report increased energy, an improved libido, and enhanced muscular strength.
At 4.1 out of 5 stars on Amazon, positive reviews cite similar experiences One-star reviews comprise about 10% of all reviews; lack of results was the common theme for these users.
Nugenix Total T may offer a safe way to boost testosterone for adult men looking to increase lean muscle mass and their libido. Nonetheless, always consult a physician prior to starting a new supplement.
Lastly, foods known to boost testosterone levels include fish, chicken, and eggs, though those limited by dietary restrictions can try leafy green vegetables, seeds, and nuts.