I’m a very recent cancer survivor. Due to my radiation treatments, I was unable to eat any solid foods for three months. I lost significant weight and more importantly muscle mass. I told myself I was going to not only survive this but somehow find a way to thrive. With the help of BIO X4, I’m able to not only maintain, but I am getting stronger every day. I travel for my living somewhere every week, so food choices out there can be slim pickings at times. Yes, I'm from the south. I started out just walking a few hundred yards each day. It has been about two months and I’m up to three miles each day and plan on more than this soon. BIO X4 has allowed me to achieve this, by maintaining my weight even when my food choices weren’t so great, and giving me the energy to keep moving forward. If you have any doubt, put that aside and give this and yourself a try. Two months or less and it sales itself. Stronger everyday!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend