The reality.
I joined Noom on December 31, 2018.
On January 31, 2019, I have dropped 12 lbs. I am never hungry. I eat VERY well. The coaches (both personal one on one and my group) are inspirational, understanding and LISTENING.
12 lbs may not seem like a lot compared to other "diets" in one month. To me it is HUGE because I know it will stick.
This is NOT a diet. It has become, for me, an eye-opening, educational, way of life. It keeps me accountable with knowledge and challenges every day.
I have lost weight (a lot) many times before. Bernstein, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, you name it. Then, I put it back on, plus more. This is the FIRST time I have actually enjoyed making the changes necessary in my life and seeing the results. I am in control. I make my own choices for meals and cooking methods. I consume butter and olive oil every day. I see results every day, not just by my weight scale but in my knowledge, mentality, and also physical such as skin, hair, nails, sleep patterns and general happiness. Win/Win.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend