So as it turns out the reason for my low energy, gaining weight, and inability to eat healthy had nothing to do with "motivation" - and turns out that's the same for a LOT of women as they reach their thirties and up. After getting blood work back - turns out I got the dreaded thyroid issue that runs in my family AND had reactive hypoglycemia! So, in fact, limiting my calories could be detrimental - the key is listening to my body and getting on the right medications for my thyroid to increase energy. Noom essentially uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy via an app to motivate the masses and ties in some theory about HOW you should eat (which I also highly disagree with, because as a vegan you may eat more carbs than others but you're supposed to - I saw others complaining about the food entry part and most reverted back to MyFitnessPal for food tracking as I did). It wasn't for me by a LONG shot. I think the app has a long way to go!
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend