First of all, we ordered three bags in the beginning. But after checking out, there were messages on the screen saying we should get three more bags to get the good deal. So I actually went ahead and bought another three. But when I looked at the bill, I was actually charged for six more bags and a total of nine bags were shipped. It says max six bags per person but ships nine bags in one box. And they let that happen...I conpletely don’t understand.
But anyway, my partner and I tried out one and a half bag (for about a month) but no result. Before, I went to the bathroom almost every day, but after taking this, my bowel movements actually got worse.
Also, after two days of taking this, I started nose bleeding very frequently. Just all of a sudden. I didn’t know why I was bleeding so often, but when I stopped taking this, the nosebleed stopped.
We returned only the unopened bags because the two opened bags were thrown away. And we only got a partial refund. If we were supposed to send the empty bags back, hence the partial refund, well there were no instructions to do so. The site says 100% money back guarantee. We should be getting the full refund.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend