
Lipozene is a weight loss supplement that uses a fiber-heavy ingredient called “konjac root” to fill your stomach so that you don’t eat as much food. Although there is supporting evidence, lifestyle changes are required to sustain weight loss.
Lipozene Reviews - Is It Safe & Effective?
What Is Lipozene?
Lipozene is a weight-loss supplement that allegedly makes you feel full faster and eat less.
The fiber, called “konjac root”, has been used as a weight-loss aid in Japan for centuries, the site states, and is “one of the most studied ingredients for weight loss.”
This review examines the safety and efficacy of the ingredients used in Lipozene
The dosage guidelines for Lipozene are simple. You take two capsules with at least 8 ounces of liquid around 30 minutes before each meal up to three times a day.
This two-pill dose contains 1.5 grams of konjac root. Taking Lipozene three times a day means you take in 4.5 grams of konjac root.
This half-hour cushion allows the konjac root’s main component, a fiber called “glucomannan,” to start working. Its mechanism of action regarding weight loss is thought to be related to an ability to absorb water and expand – limiting space for additional food and creating a feeling of fullness.
Since you’ll start eating less, in theory, you’ll reduce your calorie intake and start losing weight. On top of that, Lipozene has an app that will track your progress and remind you to take your capsules.
Active Ingredients
While it is well known that lower body weight is associated with fiber intake, type or dose of fiber did not seem to affect the sensation of fullness or food intake.
A 2005 review specifically examining glucomannan found doses at 2-4g/day resulted in significant weight loss in overweight and obese subjects.
In a randomized trial, glucomannan added to a calorie restricted diet reduced body weight in both healthy and obese subjects, though increasing the dose from 420 mg to 4320 mg did not offer an added benefit.
In a 2008 review, glucomannan resulted in an average weight loss of about 1% body weight over 5 weeks – concluding that its weight loss effects were mild.
In a 2013 randomized trial, overweight and obese patients taking 1.3g of glucomannan did not experience a significant reduction in weight when compared to placebo. A 2015 review concluded that glucomannan may reduce weight in adults in the short-term, but evidence for use in children is lacking.
In addition to weight loss claims, Lipozene also states that you can lose weight without changing your lifestyle and that 78% of weight lost is pure body fat. We have found noncredible studies that corroborate these statements.
In fact, glucomannan was proven effective when added to a calorie restricted diet, and proven ineffective when participants were on self-directed diets.
Additionally, as many of the studies have found significant, but mild, reductions in weight with glucomannan, it is unlikely that this supplement alone will result in meaningful weight loss in the absence of diet and exercise.
Lastly, as most studies followed patients only for a few weeks, we do not know the lasting effects of weight loss associated with glucomannan. As lifestyle changes are vital for maintenance once you reach your target goal, it is unlikely that this supplement has long-term value alone.
Safety and Side Effects
Dosages of glucomannan similar or beyond that which is included in Lipozene are generally safe and well tolerated.
Belching, bloating, and stomach fullness occurred more frequently in glucomannan when compared to placebo, though these effects were mild and self-limited. Liver and kidney labs remained unaffected.
The FDA warns that products containing glucomannan may pose a choking hazard (or cause intestinal blockage) if not taken with enough water to keep it moving along.
Though generally safe, always consult a physician prior to starting a new supplement.
Lipozene Pricing and Return Policy
One 60-capsule bottle of Lipoze is $29.95
Shipping is free but there is a non-refundable $1.35 processing fee.
You can return the product within 30 days after ordering.
Autoship Enrollment
Lipozene’s fine print uses “subscription” language, which typically means that Lipozene will sign you up for recurring shipments (and charges) when you make your first purchase. We called them to clarify this.
The phone representative told us that ORI will send you a new shipment of Lipozene at the same price point and will continue to do so until you call them to cancel.
So, while they say their 30-day guarantee is your window for returning the product if you aren’t satisfied, it’s really the time you have to call in and cancel your “membership” to their Lipozene auto-shipments.
The Bottom Line
Fiber intake seems to be associated with lower body weight. Lipozene offers glucomannan, a fiber supplement that has been associated with weight loss in both healthy and overweight individuals.
Available research shows that, although significant, weight loss with glucomannan is mildly effective in the short-term with a calorie-restricted diet.
It does not seem to be effective in those that follow self-directed diets. This information seems to counteract Lipozene’s claim that you do not need to implement a lifestyle change.
Beware of products with marketing that suggests this. There is no magic bullet. Weight loss supplements or medications should always be part of a more comprehensive plan that includes diet and exercise, as well as the opinion of a medical professional.
Customer Reviews
Posted on Nov 15, 2019
Didn't work
I gained 70 lbs from the medication I had to take. I bought Lipozene when I finished taking the medicine. I lost 0 lbs. I was very upset. I'm in Canada. So it cost me extra with the exchange rate. Then I went on the internet and looked up konjac root. You can buy it and it's cheaper. It also claims to help you lose weight. But I'm not buying it this time.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Sep 28, 2019
All crap
Waste of time and money. Thought I would give it a chance, 6 months later haven't lost 2 pounds, shame on me. It does not deliver what it promises and who the heck saves their receipts to get their money back.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on May 10, 2019
It doesn't work
I have tried for 6 months, I gained weight, did not lose any weight. A waste of money if you ask me. So don't waste your time and money, you want to lose weight? Exercise and eat right, that's the only real way you lose weight.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Apr 7, 2019
On on March 26, 2019 at 11 am I placed my order with a customer service representative for Lipozene. On April 2, 2019 I received my order in the mail, 7 days I received 1 120-count bottle of Lipozene that is to help reduce weight and help reduce body fat, and 1 bottled of MetaboUP Plus that increases energy and helps increase metabolism.
So this morning I took two Lipozene with 12oz of water with two MetaboUP Plus, let’s see how it’s going to work for me. The reviews are across the board. Some say it works, but there are just as many people that say the product doesn’t work. So it’s day one on Lipozene, I’ll repost in a week. I’m looking to lose 30 pounds before July 3, 2019 for my 23rd wedding anniversary, wish me good luck.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Feb 10, 2019
Worked great for me!
So, I read a lot of reviews that were negative, but mine is a POSITIVE ONE! I started taking Lipozene in the early part of the summer of last year, 2018. Let me just say when I started on my weight loss journey I weighed 660lbs. When I started on Lipozene I weighed 550lbs and now I weigh 390lbs, so I've lost a total of 160lbs with the Lipozene since the beginning of the summer of 2018. So, I've had great results with mine. I hope more people have good luck with theirs. In total, I've lost 270lbs and I weigh 390lbs now and still going to my goal. I've gotten a lot healthier and feel a lot better, so THANK YOU LIPOZENE! I get mine from Walmart each time I get mine.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Posted on Nov 16, 2018
Charge bank
I ordered for a neighbor in September. At that time I told her a one-time buy. They sold my email address and I get spam mail, 30 to 50 a day. They put $300 in my credit card. I got nothing because I did not order again. The state DA is going to handle this because they have other complaints from this company.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Nov 13, 2018
This product sucks!
I tried this product three different times with a year or so in between each time. The first time I noticed my mid-section seemed bigger while taking it instead of getting smaller due to the fat reduction that supposed to occur. I stopped taking it. About a year later I tried again, and the same thing happened. Stupid me, I tried it again about three years later and this time my stomach got even bigger. The same thing happening each time, cannot be a coincidence. No way! This never happened before with anything except when I was taking this product. I will never ever take it again, and I believe all the success stories posted are a total LIE. It didn't work for me, and once again, let me say this product SUCKS!
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Jun 26, 2018
They ripped me off. Wouldn’t let me cancel shipment.
I ordered Lipozene at 12:30 am and called back the same day to cancel the order. I was told for two to three days straight that it wasn’t in the system, so I couldn’t cancel. I didn’ t call the next day to give it time to get in the system. I called the day after and was told it had been shipped. I told them I would refuse the order and return it to post office, but was told the company would charge me postage. They told me to open the order to write RAN inside. I didn’t want to open order, wanted to write RAN on the outside, but was told no. Fed up, I kept the order. I am very pissed I didn’t get a refund. The reason I wanted to cancel is because my wife had some and didn’t want more. The order is still unopened.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Jun 20, 2018
Lipozene pills
I bought a couple of bottles up the local Walmart in Arcadia, Florida and took some and it never helped me to lose the weight. Plus it gave sugar problems because it made my sugar go up, so I would love to have a full refund of my money.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Apr 24, 2018
No, Lipozene doesn't work.
I have been using Lipozene for almost two months and have lost no weight. I have been buying at my local Walmart, to bottles for $20. At first, I thought they would work because they fill me up, but I'm not sure about the specifics, and there is no way to get the information and guidance I need. For instance, I take when I start feeling hungry, 30 minutes before a normal lunch break, so I do get full, which is good, but is it okay to eat two hours later? Or, when I decide it's time to eat, do I need to take another dosage. How long is the effect? Or, what happens if I only wait 20 minutes and then I eat? Too many questions, no results, time to stop. Only one star because I have to.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Apr 18, 2018
Does NOT work
I have taken one full bottle and am on the second one. I eat healthy and use a treadmill, but haven't lost a pound.
I hoped it would help me. I was non-weight bearing for almost a year, so sitting was basically my life, due to two different accidents. Now I am mobile again and 50, but the weight just doesn't want to come off.
Lipozene busted my hopes and just wasted money.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
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