I turned to my PCP for help with depression and anxiety. She, in turn, handed me a list of psychiatrists in the area. After calling over 20 and finding that providers either a) did not take ANY insurance or b) would not take on new patients, I was desperate. I don't have $600 for an intake with a psychiatrist and I can't wait 3 months to see someone who takes my insurance (a very good PPO plan for which I pay a portion out of each paycheck). My primary refused to prescribe a different antidepressant (wanting me to see a specialist) and my anxiety and depression have been particularly bad and I simply wanted to switch SSRIs and try a different approach. It is hard enough to ask for help with depression and anxiety, and then to be told that, basically, sorry, there is no help...keep calling and calling. It took so much effort just to ask for help in the first place! I was left floundering by my primary care and saw an ad for this service, so I figured I would try it. Within 30 minutes I had a video consult, I was able to ask questions, receive answers and I will be switching medications to another SSRI that will, hopefully, be better suited to me. Fantastic!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend