Save your money. What a gigantic rip off. Followed the directions to a tee and the grass seed remained on the bottom of the spray bottle and very little of the so-called mousse ever hit the ground. All I have to show for it is green stained fingers! Bought some grass seed, green food coloring, a tablespoon of dish soap and wolla -- Hydro Mousse.
Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn

Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn combines four different seed varieties with a formula that is designed to hydrate and nourish the soil to help you achieve a great-looking grass. In this analysis, we take a detailed look at its formula and effectiveness to help you decide if this product is the right choice for you.
Customer Reviews
Posted on Aug 5, 2015
The worst thing I've ever bought
Scam, scam and scam. This is a totally crappy product.
Posted on Aug 4, 2015
Lousy stuff
I did what they recommend and ran out of seed and foam by two minutes. Never again.
Posted on Aug 4, 2015
High hopes for my yard.
This stuff is absolute garbage. The seed doesn't cover anywhere near 100 sq/ft, more like 20. My time was wasted. My clothes and hands have green stains. My yard looks worse than ever; and I feel like a sucker. I think I'll go and see Hardware Hank where I get honest advice and a fair shake on quality and price. (Also where I should have gone in the first place.) If I recommended this to any of my friends, I'd need a bullet proof vest.
Posted on Aug 4, 2015
Not an honest dealer.
They try to sell you a lot of junk with your order. Buy from someone else. This is not a reputable dealer.
Posted on Jul 30, 2015
Don't Waste Your Money
The T.V. ad doesn't mention how much prep work you have to do before applying this product.
First, you have to remove all the dead grass and break up the top three inches of soil. This can be quite a job if you're doing a large area. Then you have to measure and mix the product for the size area you want to cover, and take my word that their idea of what a square foot is probably not the same as what yours would be.
The product doesn't cover the amount of area they claim it will. Then after it's applied, you have to go back and tamp down all the soil you just loosened. Water three times a day for two weeks to see results.
I applied as instructed three weeks ago and still no signs of any growth. You'd be better off investing in a bag of good quality grass seed.
Posted on Jul 28, 2015
Green fingers, green shoes, but no grass. Do not buy this product, just paint your garden green -- it's the same thing only cheaper.
Posted on Jul 22, 2015
Really Disappointing Experience
I bought Hydro grass, followed the instructions and watched the video, and applied it only to see it spit out clear water and seeds as the chemical did not activate to push out a lime green spray like it shows on their advertisements. I sent it back to Canadian Tire who said they had some customers who got refunds too. That was just one Canadian Tire store, how many retailers across Canada and USA get the same story of a product that does not live up to its reputation? The retailer gave me another batch, and once again it miserably failed. I got the refund and then emailed the company and talked to a customer service rep who said, “Don't worry, if it does not spit out the lione green color mix, it will work.”
I would not recommend this product to anyone and the company has poor customer service. In theory it is a good idea, but how many unsatisfied customers are out there who make such comments online or just evaporate and do not complain? Probably a lot. I'd like to see their CEO come and apply it to my lawn, and if it works, it is luck of the draw or a better batch because I was let down on two separate occasions and others probably experienced the same. I still have my pictures and receipt copies to prove my allegations. Weeks later, after following the explicit instructions including watering, there is nothing but bald spots. Too bad they do not permit photos on this website, it speaks volumes.
Posted on Jul 22, 2015
Tricks to spraying
I used many products that are premixed to attach to your home hose. The key to have these spray and mix properly is to use a 1/2 inch diameter garden hose. Most garden hoses are 5/8" in diameter and the average water pressure from a residential is to low to give a proper pressure to pull the mix up from the bottle. If you ever used a weed killer mix and you had a lot of left overs and you know you sprayed way over, it's because it did not mix properly. Along with the diameter of the hose, I would not go over 100 feet due to friction loss.
Now sounds like a waste of money, but if you use the green mix called slurry to just cover the grass seed, that will be a big help. I would still prep the ground and use a rototiller on a shallow setting for large area and a scratch out patches for small areas with a garden rake. Then I would put down a good seed variety, I would recommend a Tall Fescue as it works well in most areas drought tolerant and grows good in shade (works well in my region of Midwest). Then spray the slurry on the grass seed and then put a starter fertilizer down. Of course, water everyday until the first cutting and do not cut shorter than 3" because it's not golf course grass, it's more of the ruff portion than the greens.
I know what you're thinking, "why would I buy it if I'm just going to buy grass seed and put it down?". Like I said, the green slurry would be a perfect cover for the germinating seed. Straw has spotty results and has to be racked up after the grass has come up. Good luck.
Posted on Jul 22, 2015
Customer service
I ordered this product online. two minutes after I ordered it, someone from the company called me trying to up-sell and also get additional information. I told her to just cancel my order. She hung up on me. I called back. They transferred me to "customer service," I was hung up on again. I called back the third time. I was transferred again. I sat waiting over 15 minutes on hold so I hung up. I'm still waiting on my product that I did not want to arrive.
Posted on Jul 22, 2015
This product stinks, don't waste your time and money
This Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn is a complete waste of time, energy and money.
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