I was already taking Symbiotic 365 because I was impressed with your research and after trying many probiotics - yours was the one that worked. When I saw the GutConnect 365 I was looking for additional help.
I have been working 6 days a week (almost 80 hours this last month) for a long time. I'm 65 and the stress was really wearing me down. When I saw the benefits of GutConnect I had to try it. I have to tell you, I love the flavor. I get to work about 5:30 am and I look forward to my 9:30 break and consuming my 365 cocktail. I take the powder in a jar every morning and just pour some room temperature water in it, swish it around (it dissolves very well, unlike a lot of other powders), and enjoy a nice break. The first time I ordered 6 jars and just ordered 3 more with your Labor Day special (thank you!).
I have been suspected of having leaky gut syndrome for years and I really think this is helping. I have lost a couple of pounds also without trying. It's really a good feeling to be able to have regular bowel movements and not be all bloated up.
Thank you for all the time you have put into the research.
I wish more people could take advantage of your products. This is my big splurge, I don't buy clothes or things, I don't eat out or buy take out - I'd much rather feel healthy and know I am doing something good for my body.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend