GutConnect 365
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For those who believe they’re suffering from leaky gut, GutConnect 365 claims to offer the solution through a water-soluble supplement containing nine-different ingredients. Although mostly safe, strong support for the ingredients is lacking.
GutConnect 365 Reviews - Does It Work, Safety, Ingredients
Medically Reviewed by Jason Reed, Pharm.D.
GutConnect 365 is a powdered supplement that claims to cure a condition known as “leaky gut” through a proprietary formula of nine different superfoods.
Made by United Naturals, the supplement claims it can boost your energy levels, health and wellness by stopping leaky gut.
This GutConnect 365 review addresses the ingredients, safety profile, and whether the supplement is effective for you.
Directions for Use
This supplement comes in jars containing about a half-pound of supplement that includes nine different main ingredients along with a Stevia leaf extract for sweetening. GutConnect 365 comes in vanilla cinnamon flavor.
Take the supplement once a day; time of day doesn’t matter. For the first two weeks you’ll want to take half a scoop at a time and then, after two weeks, switch to one full scoop per day.
Pour the powder into a glass of water and mix using the scoop that the supplement comes with.
Your first container should last you around 37 days with subsequent containers lasting 30 days.
What Is Leaky Gut and Is It Real?
Nailing down a definition for leaky gut is tough because there are various schools of thought as to whether it even exists and what it is, exactly.
In a basic sense, your intestines have a barrier between them and your bloodstream. The intestinal lining is not 100% foolproof, so extremely small particles will make their way out of your intestines and into your bloodstream.
Certain circles say this less-than-perfect barrier is the cause of all kinds of sicknesses.
However, many in the medical community aren’t convinced leaky gut is a real condition on its own and is most often a symptom of an intestinal disorder or disease.
For example, non-profit research group the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research’s (CISR) page on “leaky gut syndrome” indicates that many alternative medicine doctors say leaky gut exists, while, “most physicians maintain that there is not enough research to prove that it is a legitimate issue.”
The CSIR goes on to say, however, that some individuals have a condition in which substances from the intestines can cross over into the bloodstream.
“Physicians sometimes find increased intestinal permeability in those who have Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, in individuals receiving chemotherapy, and those who have a high intake of bowel-damaging substances such as aspirin and alcohol,” they note.
The key to understanding these trends, the CSIR points out, is that leaky gut is a symptom of these various conditions and not a cause.
“Furthermore, research shows that increased intestinal permeability sometimes has beneficial effects, such as improving water and nutrient absorption as well as activating the immune system,” they said.
Others don’t take quite as hard a stance against leaky gut syndrome. For example, Dr. Marcelo Campos wrote an article for the Harvard Health Blog in which he has a more favorable view on the legitimacy of leaky gut.
“Controversy still exists on whether leaky gut causes the development of diseases outside the gastrointestinal tract in humans. However, it is always a good idea to eat a nutritious, unprocessed diet that includes foods that help quell inflammation, which may, at least in theory, help to rebuild the gut lining and bring more balance to the gut flora,” he wrote.
However, there is some evidence that stomach inflammation can cause the intestinal wall to become more permeable, according to pharmacist and founder of Best Rx for Savings, Dr. Jason Reed. This shouldn’t be confused with the leaky gut syndrome United Naturals talks about, though.
United Naturals provides a list of this supplement’s ingredients. We have included that list below:
- L-Glutamine (5000 mg)
- Quercetin dihydrate (500 mg)
- Slippery elm bark (150 mg)
- Organic marshmallow root (150 mg)
- N-acetyl glucosamine (150 mg)
- Licorice root extract (150 mg)
- Aloe vera extract (50 mg)
- Maitake mushroom extract (30 mg)
- Zinc orotate (20 mg)
One ingredient that has a legitimate chance of helping you is L-glutamine. This ingredient is also known as “glutamine.”
It provides fuel for the cells that line your stomach, according to consumer research site The typical therapeutic dosage amount is 3 to 30 grams per day, separated into several doses.
There may be some evidence that glutamine can help decrease the permeability of your intestines. ConsumerLab points to a study in which two sets of patients underwent abdominal surgery. One group took a glutamine serum (liquid) while the other group took a placebo (no drugs).
“Glutamine can decrease intestinal permeability, maintain intestinal barrier and attenuate systemic inflammatory response in early postoperative patients,” the researchers concluded.
This study is an important one because it was double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled, which is the gold standard of research. The drawback here is that, even though the study was done with the right methodology, it’s saying glutamine worked for post-op patients.
Therefore, it’s not a guarantee it will have the same effect on someone who didn’t have surgery and is looking for a way to improve their intestinal health.
ConsumerLab makes no mention of quercetin being used for leaky gut. The most common uses for it include allergies and prostatitis.
Calloway Cook, the founder of supplement company Illuminate Labs Inc., told us that the rest of the ingredients in the list above have “no strong evidence for their efficacy in treating leaky gut.”
Based on the information we found in medical literature, the ingredients included in GutConnect 365 have little evidence linking them to being effective to cure leaky gut.
Side Effects
L-glutamine included in this supplement could pose a threat to those who have epilepsy and take glutamate-blocking drugs.
Also, the site noted that those who are sensitive to monosodium glutamate should avoid glutamine, too, because the body breaks down glutamine into glutamate.
Pricing and Return Policy
According to the company website, the following purchase options are available:
- 1 Jar: $54
- 3 Jars: $134
- 6 Jars: $244
All products come with free shipping.
You have 60 days from the date of purchase to do so for a full refund less shipping & handling.
United Naturals allows you to return up to two empty or partially used containers of GutConnect 365 and get the full refund price. However, if you return more than two containers, they will prorate the refund amount of any additional containers beyond two.
The Bottom Line
There are two main factors at play with this supplement.
First, it makes a specific claim to alleviate leaky gut, a condition about which there’s some debate. For the most part, doctors agree that leaky gut is a real symptom associated with various bowel conditions and diseases like Crohn’s Disease.
However, we didn’t find nearly as much evidence for leaky gut existing in average people without any intestinal issues, auto-immune diseases or inflammation.
Now, assuming that you are dealing with leaky gut issues related to an intestinal issue, it’s important to know if GutConnect 365’s ingredients can help.
Based on medical reviews, strong support for the ingredients in this supplement that can stop leaky gut is lacking.
L-glutamine has the most promise but, as we pointed out earlier, the legitimate study we found indicates glutamine was helpful for post-operative patients who underwent abdominal procedures.
Also, the study noted the glutamine the subjects took was in liquid, not the water-soluble form GutConnect 365 comes in.
Using GutConnect 365 on a regular basis would mean you’ll spend around $648 per year. Without strong clinical support that this product may address your intestinal issues, this is a considerable amount of money to spend.
Customer Reviews
Posted on May 25, 2022
I've returned and am using GutConnect 365 again
This product really made a positive difference to my health.
After improvement, I thought I could stop using GutConnect 365 and did not take it for almost one year.
I've started it back up with the support of my dietitian and am beginning to feel better already.
Length of Use: 1–2 years
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Improvement with my gastric tract and far less bloating
The flavor is very pleasant
Ease of use and great outcome
No “cons” were specified in this review
Posted on Apr 1, 2022
Best product I ever tried
I ordered the GutConnect 365 and it is the best product I have ever tried. It made me feel like I had a bunch of energy and the best part about it was that I no longer felt bloated or gassy.
Length of Use: 6–12 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Reduced bloating
Reduced gas
More energy
No “cons” were specified in this review
Posted on Nov 24, 2021
Great supplement!
I’ve been using GutConnect 365 for several years now. Great stuff. Keeps me feeling good! I don’t get any type of bloating and have no tummy issues. I add it into a protein shake daily! Great way to start the day.
Length of Use: 2+ years
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
It works
The price
The flavor
No “cons” were specified in this review
Posted on Feb 17, 2021
GutConnect has helped improve serious diarrhea.
It has been about three months that I have taken GutConnect every day, as well as working to eat more and healthier (ie, more vegetables). I have had chronic diarrhea and IBS for years, and it had been getting worse, especially the last year. I saw an improvement almost immediately which allowed me to leave home more often and for longer periods.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
It helped to ease my chronic diarrhea and digestive gas pains.
Easy to take.
The first time in years that I have found some relief and hope to get better.
No added sugar.
Cost, I am on very limited income.
The chocolate flavor is not my favorite, but I got used to it.
I think that warning about eating FODMAPs should be included.
Posted on Jan 13, 2021
No effect on my gut
I have been taking GutConnect 365 for 4 months now. There has been no difference at all, that I notice, in my gut. However, I keep taking it because my hair has filled in where it had receded, much more than any hair, skin vitamin that I've ever taken. I believe it's the absorption of protein that the ingredient(s) have that has affected it.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
My hair has grown where it receded
It has not changed my gut at all, as claimed it will
Company Response from United Naturals
Jan 14, 2021
Hey Karen, we're sorry that GutConnect 365 didn't live up your expectations regarding the Gut, but it is great that you have been improvements elsewhere! Human bodies can use nutrients differently than expected, that is great to hear! Please let us know if you have any concerns or questions :)
Posted on Dec 25, 2020
Thank you GutConnect 365
I was apprehensive at first, because of having tried so many other supplements without the promised results.
I've been religiously taking my GutConnect 365 for 4 months now, and my gastrointestinal health has definitely improved; I now "GO" at least twice daily, instead of twice weekly, and without changing my eating habits (except taking it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and waiting at least 1 hour before putting solid food in my stomach).
I have also noticed that my body mass is not increased, as "it should" because I have not stopped eating the higher carb load that normally would have caused me to gain weight in my abdomen; I can't wait to see what happens when I "dial-back" on the carbs after the holidays.
I will continue to use this great product.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Easy to take
Great tasting
Promised results attained
The cost
Company Response from United Naturals
Dec 28, 2020
That is awesome Delores! Thanks for letting us know :)
Posted on Dec 11, 2020
Curing my bloating!
I have been suffering for years with digestion issues. But, my doctor said all my blood work was perfect. This product has helped with my leak gut! The taste is great and works perfectly for putting them in my smoothie or tea!
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Bloating went down
Amount small
Company Response from United Naturals
Dec 16, 2020
That's awesome! Thanks for getting us know Melanie. We love your smoothie method!
Posted on Dec 9, 2020
Helps ease gut pain
I started taking GutConnect 365 to heal my gut from celiac disease. I experience less abdominal pain after the first couple of days. I’m about to start my 3rd month of taking it and I think it’s helping me feel better all the time.
Length of Use: Less than 3 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Soothes my stomach right away
Less abdominal pain at night
Ingredients make sense to heal damaged intestinal walls
Sometimes hard to get it to dissolve
The taste had to grow on me
It’s expensive
Company Response from United Naturals
Dec 9, 2020
That's great Mark, if you are having trouble dissolving it, you can try it in your morning coffee! The heat helps it dissolve more and gives it a great taste.
Posted on Dec 4, 2020
I have been fighting guy issues ever since I spent a few years in third world countries almost a decade ago. I have been trying everything...and then some. This product changed everything. It was the final tipping point to make my body finally start the healing process at a fast pace!
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
It works
Tastes great
Excellent in coffee
No “cons” were specified in this review
Company Response from United Naturals
Dec 8, 2020
Wow! Thanks for letting us know Jeff!
Posted on Dec 2, 2020
Game changer - life saver
I had been in absolute agony for months. I couldn't get comfortable whether I was sitting, standing, lying down, walking, driving. I had thought that the predominant source of this pain was my long-neglected hernias. Eating and drinking only intensified my pain. I had heard about Leaky Gut, and I began to suspect that it too might be a source of my discomfort. Since I had extra time on my hands due to working less during the pandemic, I forced myself to sit through the long infomercial. I am so glad that I did! Honestly, after 1 week (which is faster than most people begin to feel results) I noticed a change. I have been using this product daily since June. Since then, I can count on less than three fingers the number of times I've felt abdominal pain. If not a life saver, it truly has been nothing short of a game changer. For that I am grateful!
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
It works
Ease of use
Cannot track order status on the website
Cannot combine flavors in one order
No additional discount for purchasing more than 6 bottles
Company Response from United Naturals
Dec 8, 2020
That is incredible David! Thank you for sharing :)
Posted on Nov 21, 2020
Good product
Ordered this for my daughter who I believe has leaky gut syndrome. She has problems with attention and brain fog. In addition, she has irregular bowel movements. After using this product her bowel movements have been regular, but I am yet to see changes in her attention and brain fog.
Length of Use: Less than 3 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Nice taste even for picky eaters like my daughter
Not available in Canada so I have to pay shipping, and takes long to arrive
Company Response from United Naturals
Nov 25, 2020
Thanks for the review Trinette! We're glad to hear that is has started helping your daughter, please do let us know how it goes in the future!
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