My name is Katie, I am a real case no doubt. I had a stroke in 2017, have a blood clot on the brain, high blood pressure and cholesterol, arthritis in neck, shoulders, lower back, plus bone pressing bone in my lower back, intestinal digestive esophagus disorder, fell on cement rammed and my arms up into my shoulders. Then I had a shooting pain from my right thigh to my knee like lightening, myofascial pain, a start of scoliosis.
I couldn't eat, walk, stand, sit, lay. I eat pills like a kid eating m&ms just to live another miserable day. I eat like 20 pills just to get a few hours' rest. I never got hungry. I would have felt better dead.
I couldn't eat but once a day a child's plate for about a year. I was getting chocked on everything. My food wasn't going down or out. I was gaining weight, had no energy, had the flu like 2 or 3 times a month or flu-like symptoms. I could barely walk to get a drink to take my meds. I was miserable.
I was literally dying from the inside out. At times I would pray for God to cure me or kill me.
Then I started praying "I know there's something out there to help me, please show me what it is."
That's when I found Heal-n-Soothe, Super Joint, Total Restore. Within days I was back to walking and within a week I was eating again, and the next week I got Total Restore and my stomach stopped hurting.
I still have a way to go but that was only on a few days to weeks and my life is changing and I'm slowly getting me back.
It was like pumping a turkey full of stuffing then leaving it out to spoil and rot. All the food going inside my body was going in, but going nowhere, just piling up to rot and it was killing me.
Thanks to HSI, Dr. Gundry, Jesse, and Steven Heal-n-Soothe, Super Joint, and Total Restore that changed my life!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend