Thanks for this nice client service approach, love the fact that actions are taken to obtain feedback from users.
For me, energy level was up on the first day. Wasn't looking for improvement before a couple of days but, during the evening, I surprised myself doing something that I would normally push to the weekend. My objective in opting to purchase this product was exactly to increase my energy level, so, happy with the product.
I will be retiring at the end of the month, from a sitting down all day long position to a more active routine so I expect the weight loss to begin then on.
My concern is about the combination with my current meds.
I'm 60 years old, I've had angioplasty in 2017. Cardiology had me stop, a very light hormonal treatment I was on. And guess what, my face suddenly caught up with my true age - but what can you do right? You can't have it all.
I currently take 1/day of Apo Rosuvastatin 40mg and also 1/day Jamp a.s.a. 80mg.
I train on a treadmill 3-4/week, doing intervals 1min/1min of jogging/fast walking - I'm in relatively good shape. My concern is the increase in metabolism - combine with heart meds. Am I understanding this effect the wrong way?
I'd love to have your thought on this.
Thanks again for your interest.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend