After reading the book, taking the supplement, buying and using a pressure cooker, my askew nose is just almost back to its place, I couldn't believe it. I am a serious meditator, and meditation really helped me be happier and live a fuller life. But the eye bags and loose skin are still there, mother had comforted me saying that eye bags are in our family's genes, let it go. When I started to take Total Restore, first of all, I feel my meditation went deeper, that surprised me. More and more I realized that the supplement helped by restoring something internally, it started a great positive circle of back alignment that gets a better adjustment, so then meditation became more relevant. Then it helped more spin and neck adjustments, the meditation going more deeper, even my nose got corrected because of the back and neck adjustment. Otherwise, for years, meditation itself was a puzzle, I tried so many ways but it was like I was riding a bicycle, after taking the Total Restore supplement, I am driving a car now. My nose is just a fruit of the whole situation. Maybe it was my meditation that leads me to Dr. Gundry. I am so grateful. Thank you, please keep doing your work, to benefit more and more people because so many people are so tired.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend