Upon enrolling with FDR, they were unable to broker deals for 3 accounts. They separated them and mislead us with the payments. Upon their request, we deposited $2,300,00 to begin negotiations for the 2nd account. They couldn’t secure a deal and we ended up being sued and going to court. When we advised to the judge we were in FDR, he just shook his head. He advised us to contact the credit card company and work with them without FDR. The $2300.00 was more than enough to pay off the one credit card they brokered a deal on. The leftover balance was $1900.00. At this point, they stole $1600.00 as a tip for what they’ve done for us. Being we paid that much to them the total savings on the one account was only like $300.00.
Their customer service is one of the worst I’ve ever had experiences with. Everybody says they’ll call you back, but they never do. When they give you a name and say ask for me the next time you call. That person, of course, is never available. Please, whatever you do, stay away from these people.
Stay away from FDR because they are shysters, thieves, and liars.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend