So, Focallure decided to clean up their product descriptions and to stop copying off of the big name competitors. To start copying off of the small sellers that sell their products.
First off, I ordered the products to resell. Then I received damaged goods, where they said they would give me a $1.00 credit for products I paid $3.00 for each. Seems like I'm getting the short end of the stick there!
Second, the internet is plagued with sellers that list Focallure's products for $1, $2, $3, and $4. When you purchased at those prices (once you add in shipping from China to the US) to sell at higher rates!
So, Focallure steals my product descriptions (sure try to enforce intellectual property with an international company), and they force the price of their own product down, and on top of all of that, they do not replace items damaged due to poor packing! Seems like a lose, lose situation.
Why should I be shocked? Have you read how they treat their customers! Yeah...
My advice, stay clear of this company. They will steal the descriptions that you use to describe their product (because their product descriptions are poorly written, by an amateur), send you damaged goods and offer you $1.00 for items you paid $3.00 for and then flood the market with products from sellers that sell the same product at a fraction of your cost.
Stick with products sold here in the US. You know exactly what you are applying to your body, it is guaranteed to live up to the claims on the bottle and, you will never have to worry about copyright infringement or extremely low prices for the same products.
For now, I give Focallure's products away at events and sell it really cheap in secondary markets. For example, something Focallure sells on their website for $14.00, because of the competition, I have to sell for 4 bucks!
My lesson learned: if you treat your customer bad, why should I expect you to treat your sellers any better!
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend