As a woman, most of us struggle with weight gain at one point in time of our lives or another. I have been very lucky throughout my life as if I watched my diet at all, and did exercises, I remained pretty good. As you get older, it appears your body changes on you. This can be a shock to some and definitely was to me.
Little changes happen at 50, 55, 60...just like all those pesky books tell us. I thought I was above that, but it happens.
At 62, I was working way too much, sitting way too long, and was not moving much. Fifteen pounds later I didn’t like myself at all, and I didn’t feel good. I tried other diets, but nothing seemed to work.
I then heard about Figure 8 Fitness, and I love music and dancing, so I thought why not? That was about 18 months ago and my goal was losing 10 pounds. Following the diet, and doing some of the dance moves, I lost 15 pounds in about five weeks. Trust me, I was doing the low impact, and could never do the full dance segment at once - but I lost more than my goal, and felt good again.
Since that time I have tried to behave better, and get out and move more often. I remained between the 12 to 15-pound weight loss. If I had a "too fun" weekend, I’d go back to my updated way of food intake again for a few days and would come back down again. November and December this year it appeared I lost some of my self-control. I decided I didn’t want to get this out of hand when I had gained six of those pounds back. So again I join Janna’s challenge in January just for the additional daily help, menus, and encouragement to get off my butt. It’s worked again. It’s been three weeks and 5 pounds are gone, clothes are fitting again, and now my energy is back.
I share this information all the time when people say wow, you’ve lost weight. Truly what do you have to lose? It is a lifestyle change, and you have to pay attention to your food, but it’s basically easy. Certainly more time consuming if you’re used to swinging by McDonald's every day - but easy even if you’re not a cook. And you’re never, never hungry.
Give it a shot, what do you have to lose - other than that extra weight!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend