It has been three years since I have used and I was only on it a week because I met the man I'm going to marry in one year on September 3rd, 2018. We met on FarmersOnly on 9/1/2014 and since I've met him, we've done all kinds of things together, from riding horses to kayaking and fishing in fresh and saltwater. And we've gone to Mexico, and we are soon going to move to Texas, and in one short year we will be married and start us a family.
I'm very excited, and I have just skimmed the surface but wanted to tell y'all thank you for this site! I met my forever soulmate on here and y'all right city folk just don't get it. We have been rifle hunting, bow hunting, fishing, camping, boating, hiking, horseback riding, rock climbing, knife hog hunting, etc. together. He got me started on bow hunting too. I used to shoot in 4-H when I was younger, and I only shot a 25 lb bow, and with his help, I now shoot a 60 lb Carbon Spyder Hoyt ZT compound bow that he got me, and it took a lot of work the last two years, but I'm good now and I'm excited to get me a nice buck with it!
I live a dream every day with this man and will the rest of my life! I thank y'all so much!
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend