In England, it is said that men who have a full head of hair which is grey, ala John Kerry, although I think he wears a "syrup" (English rhyming slang, "Syrup of fig-wig"), that they look distinguished, but if they have little hair, and what they have is grey, then they look extinguished.
I have been using JFM products for just over 30 years and I am now three score years and twelve. To start with, they were a two-part mix and the results were instant, and I got some obtuse comments from some ladies alluding to whether I used hair colorants or not, and that was despite not leaving it on for long. Really messy too.
Then in more recent years, there was an oxygen activated product, a precursor to Control GX, in a small tube, which was great as being parsimonious, I could use as little or much as I wanted, when I wanted, and the rest stayed in the tube for another day. Had to measure out 50 percent of the two-parter, above to save on waste. With this, there was no mess.
Now we have Control GX. This really does work. With my years of JFM knowledge/use, I have worked out a regime, some of which has already appeared in previous reviews. What I am posting below is what I have found works for me, and except for the bit about gloves, is IN NO WAY intended to countermand JFM’s instructions, and I will NOT be held responsible for the actions of others if they follow what I do!
OK, wearing gloves, I would suggest, is mandatory when using this product. When using the two parter years ago they even supplied gloves. Initially, they were good quality (latex), but in order to cut costs, they later supplied a rubbish cellophane type which went straight in the bin for me to buy my own. I have found that blue vinyl ones are better than the paler white latex ones. Apparently, one has to use palms in order to apply pressure to break down a constituent within the product for it to react with oxygen to work. Using gloved fingers allows me to exert more pressure and it allows greater accuracy of where to put pressure. These gloves can be easily purchased from a hardware shop, market stall or a motorist spare part store in boxes of 100. Although credited as "single-use," I rinse them well and use them until one falls apart. (Ever the parsimonious Capricorn!).
I squeeze product into a glass desert dish so can more easily gauge how much I am using and can instantly close the tube afterwards to prevent air/oxygen getting back into the tube. Using one of those long handled brushes as favoured by ladies hairstylists when applying hair colorant professionally, I can apply the product more easily to where I want it first. It also allows pressure to be put on the roots first. One of those brushes can probably be purchased from the pharmacy where you buy your product. Once the product has been applied all over, I can then massage the product in with gloved fingers. I have a stop watch which I start when I first apply the product. I wait for 10 minutes before I rinse off in the shower. I have found that the product continues to gradually work for many days after application, so there is no need for me to use it daily.
A couple of tips. Whilst it is not normally messy to use, it is better to stand on an old towel on the floor when applying it. One would normally do this in the bathroom above the basin, so fill it with warm water and have a cloth of some sort to hand (one of those blue/white checked "household" cloths are ideal), wet to mop up any little splashes. The gloves are going to be well and truly covered in the product, so before you climb into the shower, whilst still wearing them, rinse the gloves in the basin. The water will turn a dark purple colour with white bits mixed/floating in it. Gently pull the plug and let the water out rinsing gently as it drains. Refill basin and rinse gloved hands again and also the cloth. I use the cloth in my hand to handle everything until my hair is rinsed. Taking the cloth in the shower with me enables me wipe my face and to cleanup little splashes. They are easy to see as they will be a pale purple. Once the water is running clear, I then remove the gloves and shower as normal.
As I said, this regime works for me; it is your choice as to whether you go down my road or not.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend