My lips are thin. Maybe not the thinnest lips ever, but pretty thin. A friend of mine told me about City Lips lip gloss, telling me how much she loved it. I started thinking that her lips always did look nice and I just assumed she had great lips and therefore of course gloss looks great on her. She put some on when we were headed out for a night on the town and after a couple of minutes looks at me and says, "see the difference?" It was subtle but they looked really smooth and lovely. So I bought some. Well, I bought 6 of them! I'm glad I did because it is my go-to for perfect lips. Are my lips huge now? No, of course not, but does it make an obvious difference when I wear it, absolutely!
Length of Use: Less than 3 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Promise delivered
Emails that pertain to beauty info that aren't selling me products
No “cons” were specified in this review