I am 66 years young and have very fair skin. I have been blessed with genes which have until recently allowed me to look 10 years younger than my actual age. As I turned 65 it seemed that my age was showing up in the normal facial wrinkles, crepey skin, and unwanted dark hairs in areas where they had not grown before. I am not the kind of person who worries about aging but am trying to at least do the things I can to offset looking older than necessary.
After listening to your information on Dermal Repair Complex I thought I would give it a limited trial and ordered a 3-month supply. I have now been using the product for one month and have had extremely positive results.
After one week I noticed that the crepey skin on my neck (turkey neck) had visible gotten better, without a magnifying mirror it looked almost as smooth as it had over ten years ago.
Next, I noticed that the nails on my hands had lost most of the ridges, were stronger and straighter. I also noticed that a couple of deeper wrinkles around my mouth seemed to be filling in.
I do not normally have large pores on my face except alongside my nose, during week three I noticed that the pores were visibly smaller. As many of us have noticed as we get older our joints don't respond as they used to, but I found it is much easier to go up and down stairs without the pauses I have gotten used to taking, and it is definitely easier to get up and move around after sitting for a prolonged period of time at the computer.
Yesterday I noticed that the small wrinkles under my eyes were mostly gone, the skin appears smoother and plumper.
All in all, I am very happy with my one month experiment and will continue to see what new blessings are in store for me at the end of month two and three. If the results continue I will be a convert for life.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend