I have been taking Elysium basis for ten months now. I experienced an immediate change in my energy levels. No more crashing after 2 pm. After about 20 days I noticed my eyesight improving. I had been having trouble seeing from afar, and I noticed while driving that I could see clearly much further within a few days.
Still skeptic and thinking that I was biased to 'notice things,' I continued to take the supplement for the second month. Having taken digestive enzymes before, I noticed a similar temporary 'side effect,' the skin on your hands and face becomes extremely dry and wrinkly while the body begins to get rid of accumulated toxins. I continued to moisturize to counteract the effects. That is why I knew something was happening at the cellular level.
After about three months of taking the supplement, my short and long term memory improved greatly. I am studying part time while working full time and I began experiencing a hard time retaining what I read. Next, I saw my face and body muscles tightening and my skin glowing. I don't work out, and occasionally take 30 minutes walks around town.
Overall I can say with certainty that this supplement reversed the functions of my body to the time I was on my 20's. I took this one step further and got blood work done to see what the supplement was doing at a cellular level. My bad cholesterol went down 36 points without me changing a thing about my diet or exercise routine. My glucose level in the blood lowered by 20%. Any health indicators of blood count and enzymes improved markedly compared to my previous lab tests two years ago.
I am subscribed to a monthly order I am seriously considering buying this for my parents.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend